Disponibilité de l'événement
3 sur un total de 143 événements
Private – by invitation
Fermé aux inscriptions
Type: Course
Durée: 2 Months
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : ptp@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Peacemaking and Conflict Prevention
Site internet: /fr/node/11
Private – by invitation
Fermé aux inscriptions
Type: Course
Durée: 2 Days
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : aimee.jenks@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Environment, Climate Change, Local Development, Migration

While access to energy is crucial for cooking, lighting, heating, clean water, and most income-earning activities, energy for many displaced people, including in refugee camps, is either non-existent or severely lacking in terms of availability, accessibility, and quality.

New York, United States of America
By application & selection
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Conference
Durée: 2 Months
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : nyo@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Climate Change, Governance, Peace Security and Diplomacy, Peacemaking and Conflict Prevention, Multilateral Diplomacy

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is a principal training arm of the United Nations, working in every region of the world. We empower individuals, governments and organizations through knowledge and learning to effectively overcome contemporary global challenges.