10 sur un total de 41 événements
Date limite: 1 déc 2024
12déc 2024 - 13déc 2024
Geneva, Switzerland
By application & selection
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Workshop
Durée: 2 Days
Frais: 1,000.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : diplomacy@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Multilateral Diplomacy
Site internet: http://unitar.org/cdt

Writing reports and other kinds of documents is one of the immediate follow-up tasks of participation in intergovernmental conferences, meetings, and negotiations. This task is extremely time-consuming even more so for the conference delegate who does not possess appropriate tools or does not apply a comprehensive methodology.

By application & selection
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Conference
Durée: 2 Days
Frais: 190.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : elearning.ptp@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Peacekeeping

The 2nd UNITAR International Research Conference will be held in the UN Offices in Brussels, Belgium from 3rd - 4th December 2024.

By application & selection
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Conference
Durée: 2 Days
Frais: 270.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : elearning.ptp@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Peacekeeping

The 2nd UNITAR International Research Conference will be held in the UN Offices in Brussels, Belgium from 3rd - 4th December 2024.

Date limite: 28 nov 2024
Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 4 Days
Frais: 1,175.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : trainingco@hdff.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Site internet: https://hdff.org/

Considering the frequency of natural disasters, man-made accidents, and violent crime in people’s daily life, CIFAL Bangkok collaborates with experienced security professionals and deliverers from the Human Development Forum Foundation (HDFF) in order to provide a specialized Stay Safe Training for “Sustainable Leadership in Crisis”.

Date limite: Fermé
15nov 2024 - 15nov 2024
New York City, United States of America
By application & selection
Fermé aux inscriptions
Type: Workshop
Durée: 2 Days
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : hannah.gana@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Governance, Peace Security and Diplomacy, Other

While the Charter of the UN has often been regarded as the constitution of the Organization, resolutions adopted by its principal organs may be considered its laws.

Date limite: 14 nov 2024
14nov 2024 - 31Aoû 2025
Geneva, Switzerland
By application & selection
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Other
Durée: 8 Months
Frais: 8,000.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : diplomacy@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Multilateral Diplomacy

The main component of the Executive Diploma in Diplomatic Practice is a series of 8 workshops, which fall within UNITAR's Core Diplomatic Training (CDT).

Date limite: 5 nov 2024
14nov 2024 - 15nov 2024
Geneva, Switzerland
By application & selection
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Workshop
Durée: 2 Days
Frais: 1,000.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : diplomacy@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Multilateral Diplomacy

Effective negotiation is critical in many areas, as the ability to reach mutually satisfactory agreements is a key skill in almost any field. Because of this, developing skills to master the art of negotiation is crucial.

Date limite: 3 nov 2024
12nov 2024 - 28nov 2024
By application & selection
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 6 Days
Frais: 995.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : learning.solutions@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Special event
Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 5 Weeks
Frais: 800.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : pft-elearning@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Public Finance and Trade
Site internet: http://www.unitar.org

We are living in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution which has been causing significant disruptions in many fronts while offering potential solutions for a broad area of life. New technological innovations are constantly born and implemented with unprecedented speed and scale while altering the lives of people, businesses, governments and regulators.

Date limite: 27 oct 2024
4nov 2024 - 24nov 2024
Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 3 Weeks
Frais: 400.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : info.ilp@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Multilateral Diplomacy, International Law, Other

The International Law of Treaties is a set of international principles and rules regulating the conclusion procedure of treaties, as well as the issues of operation, amendments and modifications, termination, suspension and invalidity of treaties. For those involved in the drafting, negotiation and conclusion of international treaties, a sound knowledge of the Law of Treaties is indispensable.