Chương trình đào tạo về tác hại của việc sử dụng rượu bia trong điều khiển phương tiện giao thông bao gồm một khóa học giáo dục trực tuyến nhằm góp phần giảm thiểu và ngăn ngừa các trường hợp tử vong và thương tích do giao thông liên quan đến rượu bia, và cuối cùng là thúc đẩy Mục tiêu 9 về hiệu suất an toàn đường bộ toàn cầu của Liên hợp quốc: "Đến năm
El Programa de Entrenamiento Sobre Conducción y Sobriedad es el resultado de una asociación entre UNITAR y Pernod Ricard, con el objetivo compartido de contribuir a reducir las lesiones y muertes por siniestros de tránsito relacionados con conductores bajo la influencia del alcohol.
El Programa formativo internacional para prevenir sobre los peligros del alcohol durante la conducción en España es el resultado de una asociación entre UNITAR y Pernod Ricard, con el objetivo compartido de contribuir a reducir las lesiones y muertes por siniestros de
The University of Newcastle has a nationally recognized history of achievement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and actively pursues a "whole-of-university" commitment to Indigenous collaboration.
In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) Member States endorsed six global nutrition targets for improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition, and Member States have committed to monitor their progress. The targets are vital for identifying priority areas for action and catalyzing a global response.
This e-learning course explores the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline development process and is based on the WHO Handbook for Guideline Development (2nd edition).
In order to alleviate the massive global burden of suffering and unfulfilled potential resulting from all forms of malnutrition, Member States of the United Nations (UN) proclaimed the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (Nutrition Decade) in 2016.
This e-learning course is an introduction to nutrition issues in emergencies, their causes, consequences, assessment and World Health Organization’s (WHO) response. Indeed, there are a number of nutritional risks and needs that arise during and as a result of emergencies. In these circumstances, different types of malnutrition can develop in the population.
Under the leadership of the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development (NHD), the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a comprehensive nutrition strategy, Ambition and Action in Nutrition 2016-2025, to focus efforts in meeting the priorities set forth by the UN General Assembly, the World Health Assembly, the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) and the Sustainab