Event Availability
10 from a total of 202 events
Deadline: Closed
12Jun 2024 - 12Jun 2024
Málaga, Spain
Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Side Event
Duration: 3 Hours
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: cifa@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

“The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership.

Deadline: Closed
10Jun 2024 - 2Aug 2024
Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America
Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Workshop
Duration: 40 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: cifa@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

CIFAL Honolulu onboarded three individuals for an summer internship program. They all have various backgrounds such as environmental science, policy and law, as well as business. They will be doing independent projects as well as various group projects that relate to education, invasive species, and outreach.  

Deadline: Closed
3Jun 2024 - 1Jul 2024
Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America
Public – by registration
English, Other
Closed for new registrations
Type: Workshop
Duration: 23 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: cifa@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

SPICE  is a one month Summer Data Science Research Immersion, serving students from Hawai`i, the continental US and the US-affiliated Pacific Region. Students are welcomed from a wide range both computational and non-computational majors.  SPICE students code in R and Python, use NSF  HPC resources at TACC and via Jetstream, use  science gateways and develop GitHub professional portfolios.

Deadline: Closed
Private – by invitation
Closed for new registrations
Type: Side Event
Duration: 4 Hours
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: cifa@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Microprojects are small actions in the form of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) that aim to improve the environment and the community in which we live; these actions can benefit both the natural environment and society. 

Deadline: Closed
Public – by registration
English, Other
Closed for new registrations
Type: Conference
Duration: 1 Hours
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: asdavid3@up.edu.ph
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

The year 2024 is when more than half of the Asian and global population participate in major elections amid the continuing war in Ukraine, and worsening crisis in West Asia.

Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Side Event
Duration: 1 Hours
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: cifa@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

CIFAL Honolulu presented to the Board of Regents at Chaminade University the CIFAL Strategic Framework and Programming. The reason for this webinar is to keep our beneficiaries informed of our doings.

Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Webinar
Duration: 0 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: analucia.jacome@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

General Scenario for the whole series

Public – by registration
Arabic, English, Spanish
Closed for new registrations
Type: Webinar
Duration: 0 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: analucia.jacome@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme


The interlinkages between climate change and corruption are not evident for all. While ongoing discussions and actions on both topics take place in different scenarios at local, national, regional, and international level, the sensitivities around their connection are barely discussed.

Deadline: Closed
21May 2024 - 21May 2024
New York, United States of America
By application & selection
Closed for new registrations
Type: Course
Duration: 1 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: graysen.airth@unitar.org
Programme Area: Corporate Social Responsibility, Multilateral Diplomacy

2024 QCPR TRAINING SERIES: Accelerating Action for the Sustainable Development Goals

2024 QCPR Website

Deadline: Closed
16May 2024 - 21May 2024
Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America
Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Conference
Duration: 5 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: cifa@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

The Marianist Formation Program, hosted by the Marianists, help participats grow in understanding and appreciation of the Marianist charism to help them focus their learning and teaching around the Charecterists of Marianist Education.