10 来自总数为 497 的账单
截止日期: 关闭
14月 2024 - 306月 2024
Public – by registration
种类: Course
期限: 3 Months
费用: 200.00 USD
活动协调人email: info.ilp@unitar.org
项目领域: Multilateral Diplomacy, International Law, Other

The International Law of Treaties is a set of international principles and rules regulating the conclusion procedure of treaties, as well as the issues of operation, amendments and modifications, termination, suspension and invalidity of treaties. For those involved in the drafting, negotiation and conclusion of international treaties, a sound knowledge of the Law of Treaties is indispensable.

Public – by registration
种类: Course
期限: 3 Months
费用: 200.00 USD
活动协调人email: info.ilp@unitar.org
项目领域: Environmental Governance and Law, Multilateral Diplomacy, International Law

For the adequate implementation of and compliance with MEAs at a national level, there is a need to raise awareness on International Environmental Law (IEL) and develop specific capacities for its implementation at the national level.

截止日期: 关闭
253月 2024 - 293月 2024
Geneva, Switzerland
Public – by registration
种类: Course
期限: 5 Days
费用: 2,700.00 USD
活动协调人email: multilateralism@unitar.org
项目领域: Multilateral Diplomacy

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1963 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the work of the UN and its member states.

截止日期: 关闭
Public – by registration
种类: Workshop
期限: 4 Days
费用: 0.00 USD
活动协调人email: cifa@unitar.org
项目领域: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

The search for young talent and their involvement in society as active drivers of a more sustainable world motivated the birth of this project, Malaga Hackathon: Sustainable Innovation for the future.

截止日期: 关闭
113月 2024 - 74月 2024
Public – by registration
种类: Course
期限: 4 Weeks
费用: 650.00 USD
活动协调人email: info.ilp@unitar.org
项目领域: Peace Security and Diplomacy, Multilateral Diplomacy, International Law

War remains a matter of great concern to humanity. Recent conflicts have demonstrated that the ravages of war continue to have a devastating impact especially on the civilian population.  

截止日期: 关闭
23月 2024 - 25月 2024
Sand Island, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America
Public – by registration
种类: Side Event
期限: 2 Months
费用: 0.00 USD
活动协调人email: cifa@unitar.org
项目领域: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

The Institute for Human Services is a Hawaiʻi non-profit organization that delivers various services focusing on ending or preventing homelessness on the island. CIFAL Honolulu is partnering with IHS to help clean and maintain the Hale Mauliʻola site in Sand Island on the island of Oʻahu.

Public – by registration
种类: Course
期限: 11 Weeks
费用: 1,000.00 USD
活动协调人email: ghs@unitar.org
项目领域: Chemicals and Waste Management

Los sistemas de clasificación y comunicación de riesgos químicos son elementos clave de la gestión racional de los productos químicos. Para armonizar estos sistemas en todo el mundo, las Naciones Unidas adoptaron, en 2003, el Sistema Globalmente Armonizado de Clasificación y Etiquetado de Productos Químicos (SGA).

截止日期: 关闭
Public – by registration
种类: Course
期限: 10 Months
费用: 2,600.00 USD
活动协调人email: info.ilp@unitar.org
项目领域: Governance, Multilateral Diplomacy, International Law

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research's (UNITAR) Online Certificate on International Law and the UN system offers a unique opportunity for both students wanting to pursue a career in international law or international relations, and professionals working in international and regional organizations as well as governmental and non-governmental institutions, to expand their knowle

Public – by registration
种类: Course
期限: 11 Weeks
费用: 1,000.00 USD
活动协调人email: ghs@unitar.org
项目领域: Chemicals and Waste Management

Chemical hazards’ classification and communication systems are key elements of the sound management of chemicals. To harmonise these systems worldwide, the United Nations adopted, in 2003, the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). The GHS is an important tool for countries to develop or modify national programmes and to facilitate trade.

截止日期: 关闭
122月 2024 - 3112月 2024
Public – by registration
种类: Course
期限: 10 Months
费用: 2,600.00 USD
活动协调人email: mdp-elearning@unitar.org
项目领域: Peace Security and Diplomacy, Multilateral Diplomacy

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research's (UNITAR) Online Diploma in Multilateral Diplomacy offers a unique opportunity for both students wanting to pursue a career in international relations, and professionals working in international and regional organizations as well as governmental and non-governmental institutions, to expand their knowledge on international affairs and stren