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Cross Cultural Negotiation (2025)

5 Weeks
Programme Area
Public Finance and Trade
Course schedule is subject to change. Course fee is non-refundable but transferrable to another course or participant and subject to change as per UNITAR's policy on pricing.
Event Focal Point Email
Public – by registration
Mode of Delivery
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The personal data of participants applying for, registering for or participating in UNITAR's training courses and other events is governed by the Data Protection and Privacy Policy. By applying for, registering for or participating in this event, the participant acknowledges that he or she is, (or they are) aware of the policy and agree to its terms.

Culture is a powerful factor in shaping how people think, communicate and behave. It therefore affects how they negotiate. Taking participants from the simple to the complex, this compact and practical course will look at the cultural dimension of negotiation. The course builds upon UNITAR's research on the cultural dimension of negotiations when looking at communication, dealings and discussions among UN member states. This course is a foundation course developed to help professionals -- in full time work -- understand the elusive dimension of culture in relation to international negotiations. The skills and techniques which are exposed in this course are designed to help officials from all sectors, including public, private, civil society and the academia. This course forms part of a series of Negotiation Training courses that UNITAR is developing for a worldwide audience of officials and professionals. 

At the end of the course, the participants should be able to:

  • Identify and state the influence of cultural dimension in international negotiations;
  • Utilize time-tested cultural concepts and theories in relation to negotiation;
  • Develop a negotiation plan applicable to a particular culture; and
  • Appraise his/her readiness to negotiate with culturally diverse counterparts. 

This course consists of the following modules:

  • Module 1: Overview of the Dimension of Culture in International Negotiations.
  • Module 2: Cultural Approaches to Negotiation.
  • Module 3: Practical techniques for improving Cross-Cultural Negotiation.
  • Module 4: Online Discussions and Peer-to-Peer Exchanges. 

In order to ensure the best possible outreach, the course will be delivered through e-learning. Through a multiple-instructional setting, the goal is to achieve the learning objectives by means of learning technologies that match personal learning styles and by the inclusion of non-linear learning that aims at the development of just-in-time skills of adult learners. At the same time, in order to allow participants maximum flexibility of scheduling , the learning will be conducted in an asynchronous manner. Using a state-of-the-art training architecture, UNITAR will combine self-learning with assessments and online discussions. The pedagogy - adapted specifically to professionals in full-time work - will help train participants through various experiences: absorb (read); do (activity); interact (socialize); reflect (relate to one’s own reality). 

This foundation course is designed for professionals from all sectors and professions, including: government, public finance, investment, trade, corporate finance, project management, treasury, as well as academic circles and civil society.

A certificate of completion will be issued by UNITAR to all participants who complete the course-related assignments and assessments successfully. Course schedule is subject to change. Course fee is non-refundable but transferrable to another course or participant and subject to change as per UNITAR's policy on pricing.

Recommended hardware and software requirements for taking our e-learning courses:

  • Operating System: Windows 10 or MacOS version 11 and later
  • Software: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader (downloadable for free at
  • Browser: Latest version of Microsoft Edge or Safari or Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox (downloadable for free).
  • Internet connection: Stable LAN or Wifi Internet connection
  • Note: JavaScript and cookies must be enabled, pop-up blockers disabled.