Workshop on Public Speaking
Efficient and eloquent public speaking is an invaluable asset in the toolbox of any diplomat or official representative in the international arena. This workshop has precisely been designed with this concern in mind to assist participants in developing their own speaking and leadership skills, in the context of a variety of occasions during which diplomats and government officials are expected to speak on behalf of their governments, be it in public within the United Nations system, in formal or informal sessions and discussions, during international meetings and conferences etc.
The workshop will stand as an opportunity for the participants to develop their ability to prepare, structure and deliver eloquent and well tailored speeches thanks to a training strategy founded on a balanced combination between our expert’s theoretical input and a series of simulation exercises.
The core objective of this workshop is to strengthen public speaking skills, and ensure that the participants fulfil the following learning objectives:
- Learn to communicate effectively before an international audience;
- Find out how to manage one’s anxiety while speaking in public;
- Maximise the impact of one’s speech on a given audience, notably to ensure that the key messages it holds are understood;
- Captivate and convince one’s auditory;
- Be capable of setting clear and measurable objectives for each speech and presentation.
The methodology used for the training is very much based on the idea of “practical learning”. As they are involved in a series of practical exercises and simulations, the participants will be progressively familiarized with a set of tools useful to enhance their speech preparation and delivery. The potential inclusion of visual elements in oral presentations will also be addressed, notably through whether or not these are relevant and recommended depending on the type of presentation sought to be delivered. Minutes before the workshop begins, the participants may be requested to record a short individual video presentation of themselves.
The workshop is open to members of Permanent Missions accredited to the United Nations Office at Geneva, irrespective of their ranks and functions, in particular recently accredited diplomats from developing countries who are new to a multilateral environment.
A fee-waiver is applicable to requesting members of Permanent missions from countries classified by the World Bank as “lower-income”, “lower-middle income”, and “higher-middle income” economies.
To apply for a fee waiver diplomats only have to send an email containing their contact details and the course title to: diplomacy [at] unitar.org (diplomacy[at]unitar[dot]org) . The fee-waiver fellowship covers the participation fee however it does not cover any travel expenditures.
The workshop will take place at the International Environment House (IEH); Châtelaine, Geneva. The Conference Room will be confirmed later.
The workshop will be conducted in English. The participants will be provided with a set of background material at the beginning of the course. Participants who have followed the workshop in its entirety will be awarded a course certificate.
The course participation fee is 1,200 USD. Participants may pay individually per course attended, or their government may wish to cover the costs of an annual subscription. More information about UNITAR’s Core Diplomacy Training (CDT) pricing policy is available at: http://www.unitar.org/mdp/cdt.
For the diplomats eligible for a fee waiver as part of the CDT fellowship scheme, please contact the Multilateral Diplomacy Programme for more details by e-mail at: diplomacy [at] unitar.org (diplomacy[at]unitar[dot]org) and by phone at: +41 22 917 85 18. Registration will be closed as soon as the course is full and your place will be secured once your payment is confirmed.
Important: Upon course registration, the applicant accepts to make the full payment for the UNITAR course(s) immediately following receipt of the invoice and payment information. UNITAR reserves the right to rescind an applicant's enrollment at any time in case of non-receipt of payment. Payment is non-reimbursable but upon approval may be credited to another course.