Date limite
19 Sep 2024

Intergenerational Dialogue for a Sustainable Future: Shaping Inclusive Society Through Digital Power

1 Hours
Zone du programme
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
0.00 $US
Personne de référence de l'évenement
Public – by registration
Mode de livraison
Langue (s)
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The world we live in is characterized by a stark lack of inclusivity, leaving many groups, such as women, youth, seniors, persons with disabilities, and minorities, on the sidelines of decision-making. This exclusion has led to negative consequences, including poverty, conflict, violence, and suboptimal decisionmaking procedures, gravely impacting all fields of peace, planet, prosperity, people, and disarmament. The rapid advancement of digital technologies has the potential to transform the current landscape and contribute to the reduction of inequalities. However, it is important to recognize that the utilization of these technologies is accompanied by a complex set of challenges and opportunities. Digital tools have the capacity to provide platforms for amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, fostering intergenerational dialogue, and facilitating access to information and resources, thereby promoting inclusivity. Simultaneously, it is crucial to acknowledge and address the potential risks associated with the digital divide, algorithmic bias, and online harassment, as these issues have the potential to exacerbate existing inequalities and create new barriers to inclusion if left unchecked. As we navigate this rapidly evolving digital landscape, it is imperative that we approach the inherent challenges and opportunities with careful consideration and a commitment to ensure that the benefits of digital technologies are accessible to all members of society, regardless of their background or circumstances. This session brings together representatives from diverse fields, including youth representatives, champions of those with disabilities, representatives from national and local authorities as well as representatives from the private sector. The objective of this session, thus, is to foster a rich dialogue addressing various perspectives on how digital technologies can be harnessed to create an inclusive society and promote sustainable prosperity and peace. By engaging in an open dialogue and sharing insights from different sectors, we can work towards identifying solutions and strategies to address the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities presented by digital technologies in fostering inclusion and equality.

The event focuses on the challenges and opportunities presented by digital technologies in creating inclusive societies. Discussions will address:

  • The role of digital tools in amplifying marginalized voices and providing access to resources.
  • Potential risks, such as the digital divide, algorithmic bias, and online harassment.
  • Exploring strategies to harness the benefits of digital technologies while mitigating associated risks.

    This event aims to bring together diverse perspectives for an intergenerational dialogue and establish a network of communities committed to leveraging digital tools for inclusive decision-making and sustainable peace and prosperity.

    The purpose of this side event is to:

    • Identify diverse perspectives of the power of digital technologies to promote inclusiveness of people from diverse segments of society.
    • Establish a network of communities to contribute to shaping inclusive society through digital power
    • Contribute to the substantive discussion at the Summit of the Future.
    • Welcoming Remarks (3 minutes):
      Brief introductions to set the tone and purpose of the session.

    • Opening Remarks (10 minutes):
      Insights from key figures in UNITAR and diplomatic missions to introduce the event's objectives.

    • Panel Discussion: Bridging the Digital Divide (45 minutes):
      A focused discussion with multiple panelists, moderated to cover the role of technology in fostering inclusivity and addressing societal inequalities.

    • Q&A Session (15 minutes):
      An open forum where participants can ask questions and engage with panelists on key discussion points.

    • Concluding Remarks (2 minutes):
      A brief summary of the discussions and future steps.

    The event aims to create an intergenerational dialogue that brings together diverse representatives, including youth, seniors, persons with disabilities, and various stakeholders from the public and private sectors. The key focus is on leveraging digital technologies to promote inclusivity and address global challenges related to peace, prosperity, and inequality.

    The event’s goal is to bring together this diverse audience to share perspectives and ideas on leveraging digital technologies for inclusivity and sustainable development.