Date limite
3 mai 2024
Les inscriptions sont terminées

CIFAL Málaga- Presentation of the Summer Courses of the UNIA

Side Event
Málaga, Spain
1 Hours
Zone du programme
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
0.00 $US
Personne de référence de l'évenement
Private – by invitation
Mode de livraison
Langue (s)
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The program for the 2024 Summer Courses has been presented at the Technological Headquarters of the International University of Andalusia. This edition coincides with the 30th anniversary of the creation of UNIA. These courses offer an opportunity to go into detail about topics ranging from the multiple facets of artificial intelligence to emotions, sustainability, gastronomy, the challenge of water, the environment, plastic arts, or poetry. In total, there are 39 proposals scheduled, including courses and encounters, to be held at its campuses in Málaga (7), Baeza (16), and La Rábida (16) between July and September.

Present the program for the 2024 Summer Courses of the UNIA, which CIFAL is part of.

The presentation was conducted at the Technological Headquarters of the International University of Andalusia, in Málaga.

The presentation was conducted at the Technological Headquarters of the International University of Andalusia, in Málaga.

The presentation was specific for people interested in knowing about the summer courses offered by the UNIA