A global initiative focused on empowering stakeholders in the airport sector.
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1963 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the work of the UN and its member states.
Considering the frequency of natural disasters, man-made accidents, and violent crime in people’s daily life, CIFAL Bangkok collaborates with experienced security professionals and deliverers from the Human Development Forum Foundation (HDFF) in order to provide specialized training for “Sustainable Leadership in Crisis”.
The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) has commissioned the development of guidelines on National Disaster Risk Assessment (NDRA) as part of its “Words into Action” initiative.
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1963 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the work of the UN and its member states.
International organizations are playing an increasingly important role in the international legal order. They are active in virtually all fields of human activity, they regularly conclude international treaties and continuously interact with other actors of international law. Nowadays, they wield growing normative powers.
Time: 10 AM - 1 PM EST (23 April 2025)
Location: UNHQ - Conference Room F
Everyone negotiates something every day. Whether it is how to handle an organizational challenge, a takeover or a dispute, successful negotiation means getting what you want without offending the other party. Negotiating is not a one-off activity or a finite set of skills. It is an on-going challenge, which benefits from continual practice, analysis and review.
Governments and increasingly other actors such as international and non-governmental organizations use multilateral conferences as a means to achieve important policy objectives. As the number of conferences and meetings has risen considerably over the past twenty years, the number of government officers and other stakeholders involved in conference processes has also increased significantly.
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1963 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the work of the UN and its member states.