Introduction to Sustainable Consumption and Production in Asia
The ability of national actors in the Asia region to incorporate sustainable consumption and production (SCP) into national policymaking and governance is key for sustainable development. With the goal of scaling up learning on SCP in the region, UNEP and UNITAR are partnering, under the SWITCH-Asia Programme, to launch this first SCP e-learning course.
Participants will learn about different concepts and facets of the SCP, as well as regional, national and sector-specific challenges and opportunities to implement policies for SCP. Additionally, participants will begin to develop basic skills for applying the SCP concept in a real world economic, policy and professional context.
After completing the course, participants will be able to:
1.Define the concept of SCP and explain its value for sustainable development;
2.Distinguish key elements of effective policy planning in support of SCP;
3.Identify enabling conditions for mainstreaming and implementing SCP policies in national governance;
4.Discuss principal challenges and opportunities for advancing SCP in national contexts;
5.Summarize the range of global and regional initiatives to support the mainstreaming of SCP in national governance;
6.Apply SCP to a real-life policy-making context
The course is composed of 5 modules:
- Module 1: Introduction to SCP: Definition, Rationale and Fundamentals
- Module 2: Designing and Implementing National SCP Policies: The Policy Cycle and SCP in National Governance Structures
- Module 3: Applying Policies to Key Thematic Areas for Supply-side Change and Sustainable Production
- Module 4: Applying Policies for Demand-side Change and Sustainable Consumption
- Module 5: International Collaboration, Regional Initiatives and Priorities to Achieve SCP in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda
Total number of learning hours: 32 over 8 week period (4 hours per week), including study time (2 hours/week) and participation in online course activities (about 2 hours/week). Weeks 1-5 encompass the 5 Modules listed above. Weeks 6-8 are reserved for wrap-up and completing course assignments.
The course pedagogy is adapted to professionals in full-time work. Participants are provided with the opportunity to learn through various experiences: absorb (read); do (activity); interact (socialize); and reflect (relate to one’s own reality). The reading of an e-book is complemented by a range of learning activities and experiences that include interactive exercises, discussion forums, and an applied case study.
- Assessment tests appraise the comprehension of the key facts and concepts at the end of each module.
- Discussion forums foster interaction and reflection on a specific issue selected either by the course moderator or participants.
- An applied case study provides participants with the opportunity to apply the SCP concept in the framework of a real world situation. Participants will identify the problem context, relevant issues, define appropriate measures, and develop a SCP action plan for a particular setting. Each case study is peer-reviewed by a group of course participants, as well as the course moderator.
The course is geared towards high- to mid-level civil servants in the Asia-Pacific region, directly involved in the process of developing, implementing and evaluating policies supporting the transition towards SCP.
The target group includes:
- Civil servants in national ministries, provincial departments and local authorities
- Environmental managers in private sector
- Representatives from civil society organizations
- Academia representatives and researchers
- Other individuals engaged in policy processes
With support from the UNEP SWITCH Asia Project, 40 fellowships are available for participants from the Asia and Pacific region working in the public sector, academia or NGOs. UNITAR, working in close collaboration with UNEP, will identify and select the participants to be awarded with a fellowship.
Certificate of Completion
A Certificate of Completion will be issued by UNITAR to all participants who complete the course-related assignments and assessments successfully.
Technical Requirements
Access to internet is an essential condition for participation. UNITAR recommends the following as a minimum in hardware and software to take our e-Learning courses. Please consult your Network Administrator or Systems person to ensure that you have the following:
- Platform: Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, ME, XP or superior; MacOS 9 or MacOS X; Linux
- Hardware: 64 MB of RAM, 1 GB of free disk space
- Software: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Flash Player, Microsoft Office (Windows or Mac) or Open Office
- Browser: Internet Explorer 7 or higher or Firefox 3.6 or higher Modem: 56 K
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