As it is, 'negotiation' is a complex set of interactions between parties or individuals. Add to it the dimension of 'conflict', and we find ourselves on very slippery terrain. This online course is a primer on negotiating for conflict and dispute resolution. It aims at providing participants with the fundamental understanding and tools for complex negotiations under conflict situations.
Entrepreneurship is a very important set of emerging career skills, resulting in growing businesses that can positively impact the world. New startup businesses are engines of economic growth, creating jobs. Existing companies that adopt intrapreneur practices create better products for their portfolio, continuing company growth.
Everyone negotiates something every day. Whether it is how to handle an organizational challenge, a takeover or a dispute, successful negotiation means getting what you want without offending the other party. Negotiating is not a one-off activity or a finite set of skills. It is an on-going challenge, which benefits from continual practice, analysis and review.
Financial Technology has, in the last few years, made silently extremely rapid advances with the result that the services offered by new and traditional players have revolutionized the way people interact with them. FinTech brings healthy increased competition, offering a world of opportunities as well as more efficient products and services.
Culture is a powerful factor in shaping how people think, communicate and behave. It therefore affects how they negotiate. Taking participants from the simple to the complex, this compact and practical course will look at the cultural dimension of negotiation.
The agricultural sector in the Middle East and Africa faces significant challenges that require innovative solutions and strategic partnerships. Smallholder farmers need enhanced support through capacity building, access to resources, and sustainable agricultural practices.