Event Availability
10 from a total of 651 events
Public – by registration
Open for registration / application
Type: Course
Duration: 1 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: roadsafety@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Road traffic injuries claim more than 1.35 million lives each year with a disproportionate impact on health and development.

Public – by registration
Open for registration / application
Type: Course
Duration: 1 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: roadsafety@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Road traffic injuries claim more than 1.35 million lives each year with a disproportionate impact on health and development.

Public – by registration
Open for registration / application
Type: Course
Duration: 1 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: roadsafety@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Road traffic injuries claim more than 1.35 million lives each year with a disproportionate impact on health and development.

Public – by registration
Open for registration / application
Type: Course
Duration: 1 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: roadsafety@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Road traffic injuries claim more than 1.35 million lives each year with a disproportionate impact on health and development.

Public – by registration
Open for registration / application
Type: Course
Duration: 4 Weeks
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: roadsafety@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Los accidentes de tránsito constituyen un serio problema con un impacto desproporcionado para la salud y el desarrollo. A nivel mundial, se estima. que causan la pérdida de más de 1,35 millones de vidas y alrededor de 50 millones de traumatismos no mortales cada año (OMS, 2018). Los accidentes de tránsito son la causa principal de muerte entre las personas entre los 15 y 29 años de edad.

Public – by registration
Open for registration / application
Type: Course
Duration: 4 Weeks
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: roadsafety@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Les accidents de la route provoquent plus de 1,35 million de victimes chaque année, avec un impact disproportionné sur la santé et le développement. Ils constituent la neuvième cause de décès dans le monde, toutes tranches d'âges confondues, et la première chez les jeunes de 5 à 29 ans.  Environ 3,700 personnes meurent chaque jour sur les routes du monde.

Public – by registration
Open for registration / application
Type: Course
Duration: 2 Weeks
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: roadsafety@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

La pandemia del coronavirus (COVID-19) ha impactado el mundo y a medida que se propaga, su caracterización como crisis sanitaria, económica y social es cada vez más evidente.

Public – by registration
Open for registration / application
Type: Course
Duration: 2 Weeks
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: roadsafety@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Everyone around the world is experiencing unprecedented challenges from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic with profound health and socio-economic impacts. As of April 2020, over 2 million cases of the virus have been recorded worldwide, and the death toll so far is at least 200,000.

Public – by registration
Open for registration / application
Type: Course
Duration: 2 Weeks
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: roadsafety@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

La pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19) pose des défis sans précédent à tous les habitants de la planète, avec des conséquences sanitaires et socio-économiques profondes. En avril 2020, plus de 2 millions de cas ont été enregistrés dans le monde, et le nombre de décès s'élève à ce jour à au moins 200 000.

Public – by registration
Open for registration / application
Type: Course
Duration: 4 Weeks
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: roadsafety@unitar.org
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Road traffic injuries claim more than 1.35 million lives each year with a disproportionate impact on health and development. They are the ninth leading cause of death across all age groups globally and the leading cause among young people aged between 5 and 29 years.  Nearly 3,700 people die on the world’s roads every day.