Workshop on Digital Diplomacy and Artificial Intelligence
Digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) interact with diplomacy along three axes: agency, process and subject matter. This workshop will explore how digital technologies and AI impact and change the agents of diplomacy, including facilitating the participation of new actors in international debates. It will explain how diplomats and other professionals are increasingly using digital technologies and AI in securing their objectives in the international environment, and the challenges and dangers this can bring. Finally the workshop will explore the international problems that digital technologies and AI are generating, including in the context of cybersecurity and disinformation operations, and the ways in which diplomats and other professionals can use diplomacy to manage these agendas. In this context the workshop will also look at the context created by the geopolitics of digital technologies and AI. The workshop will include practical exercises which will enable the participants to practice the skills and knowledge they have acquired.
At the end of the workshop participants will be able to:
- Explain how digital diplomacy tools and AI tools can be applied to enhance the function of diplomats and other professionals;
- Recognize examples of guidelines for communicating with digital diplomacy and AI;
- Recognize pertinent opportunities where online negotiations and digital diplomacy can be suitable and their limitations;
- Identify the current and potential use of Internet tools for diplomatic activities and how to use social networking platforms;
- Recognize the international problems and challenges posed by digital technologies and AI and how diplomacy can be applied to manage them;
- Break down the role of technology and internet companies in global technology governance and their engagement with governments and international actors;
- Analyze the dangers of the combination of social media platforms with AI in the spread of disinformation and develop strategies to respond to these dangers.
The course is designed to be interactive and participatory, including various pedagogical tools to enable the participants to function effectively and efficiently in a multilateral environment. The course will be built on four pedagogical pillars: concept learning (lectures and presentations), role-playing (group exercises), experience sharing (roundtable discussions), and exposure to real-world problems and policy choices delegates are confronted with.
This course is primarily open to:
- Members of Permanent Missions accredited to the United Nations Office in Geneva;
- Delegates of Ministries of Foreign Affairs and other government officials;
- Representatives of international, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations and Diplomatic academies;
- Professionals from the private sector.
Insurance Waiver:
By applying to the Workshop on Digital Diplomacy & Artificial Intelligence, all participants confirm that they are aware that the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) does not insure participants for this course. All participants are advised to arrange at their own expense insurance against sickness, accident, permanent or temporary disability, death and third party risk for the period of the meeting including travel time.
Discount for Eastwest European Institute Alumni:
Alumni from the Eastwest European Institute can benefit from a 10% discount for this training. After you complete your application, kindly send your Eastwest Certificate of Participation to diplomacy [at] unitar.org (diplomacy[at]unitar[dot]org). UNITAR will verify your alumni status and, upon confirmation of the latter, apply the discount.
Participants who have attended all the sessions will receive a certificate of participation.
To complete your registration, please write an email to diplomacy [at] unitar.org (diplomacy[at]unitar[dot]org) with your CV and a copy of your passport.
Note: The dates are provisional and are subject to change. Participation is on a first-come, first-served basis, and registration will be closed once we have reached the maximum number of participants.