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Workshop on Designing Results-based Action to Strengthen Human Resource Capacities to Advance Green, Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development in Uganda

Kampala, Uganda
2 Days
Programme Area
Environment, Climate Change, Environmental Governance and Law
Event Focal Point Email
Government of Uganda
Private – by invitation
Mode of Delivery
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Uganda is one of five pilot countries that implement a UN CC:Learn Project on Strengthening Human Resources and Skills to Address Climate Change in 2011-2013. The projects aim at supporting countries in taking a strategic and results-oriented approach to climate change learning.

In February 2012, the Ministry of Water and Environment of Uganda organized a National Planning Workshop for Phase 1 of the national UN CC:Learn Project which involves the development of a National Strategy to Strengthen Human Resources and Skills to Advance Green, Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development. At the workshop the main strategic lines and workplan of the Project were agreed upon with key actors in Government, civil society and international development partners.

Based on the results of a structured research process to identify required competencies and learning needs in various sectors, the next step in the Project involves the organization of the Workshop on “Designing Results-based Action to Strengthen Human Resource Capacities to Advance Green, Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development”. The Workshop provides an opportunity to discuss and define priority action to strengthen learning and skills development with concerned Government sectors and other interested organizations.

The Workshop aims to identified concrete action to strengthen institutional capacities in the country to deliver learning, focusing on the education, agriculture, energy, water, forestry, environment, tourism, works and transport sectors.

The workshop brings together key actors from Government and organizations outside of Government. Target groups include representatives from:

  • National Government Ministries/agencies
  • Government agencies at the sub-national and local level
  • Educational and vocational training institutions
  • Private sector institutions
  • Civil society
  • International development partners (UN agencies, bi-lateral agencies, etc.)
  • Media

UN CC:Learn, is a collaboration of 32 multilateral organizations with the aim to strengthen human resources, learning and skills development in Member States through country driven processes. It is included in the "One UN Climate Change Action Framework" of the UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) through the High Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP). The Secretariat is provided by UNITAR. The pilot implementation phase of UN CC:Learn in 2011-2013 is supported by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC).