Using Behavioral Insights and Sports: Preventing Violent Extremism
Presentation on how core concepts of behavioral insights have been used recently, with a focus on social contexts and complex issues such as inclusion, diversity, cohesion and PVE. This session will discuss how we can leverage Behavioral insights in Sports and Development to tackle complex social challenges such as Inclusion, Diversity, Cohesion and even Violent Extremism. Among other things, the experience of Generation Amazing will be provided in this regard as well as other applications of behavioral insights in sports, inclusion and PVE
- Serve as a platform for creating knowledge around sports and behavioral sciences with a focus on their impact on SDGs, social cohesion and PVE, diversity and inclusion, and for disseminating lessons learned on policy challenges, innovative solutions and trends in these areas
- Create a network and a community of practice in these areas, that brings together academics, practitioners, private, government and non-governmental institutions, and that creates an opportunity for collaboration and partnership on joint experiments and applied research with a focus on evidence-based policies
- Act as an incubator for future initiatives and programs in interdisciplinary fields in sports and development using behavioral sciences
- Exchange ideas and experiences as well review the role sports and sports education can further play in promoting SDGs, preventing violent extremism and fostering diversity and women empowerment, especially if coupled with behavioral sciences experimentation methods. This in turn would lead to adoption of best practices in these areas at global and national levels, agreement on launch of new initiatives and partnerships.
- How inclusion and social impact are being tackled through sports and development
- How to behaviorally inform sports and development programs for greater social impact
- The role of BIs in tackling more complex social challenges
- How change happens using behavioral insights
Friday, October 18, 2019
9:30-10:15 - Introductory Session: Behavioral Insights in Public Policy
10:15-12 - Panel Discussion: How to tackle complex social situations using sports and BIs
12-12:15 - Break
12:15-13:30 - Keynote Address: How change happens? Using BIs to tackle complex social situations
Using a mixture of presentations and discussion panels attendees will gain knowledge on using sports and BIs to address complex social situations
- Sport for Development experts, and behavioral scientists that focus on the relationship between sports and development SDGs, PVE inclusion
- UN entities engaged in these areas
- NGO (international and national) engaged in related activities
- The United Bid
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