UNITAR Workshop on Multilateral Processes and International Agreements
Following the adoption of the resolution "End Plastic Pollution: Towards an International Legally Binding Instrument" by 175 countries at the United Nations Environment Assembly in March 2022, the Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP) at the World Economic Forum was established to address global plastic pollution. To support GPAP’s mandate, it is crucial to equip its members with the skills needed to actively participate in treaty negotiations related to this resolution.
The Workshop on Multilateral Processes and International Agreements aims to enhance GPAP members’ understanding of multilateral processes, with a focus on the negotiation and implementation of international agreements. By the workshop's conclusion, participants will have the expertise to engage with key stakeholders in multilateral diplomacy and support the implementation of agreements addressing plastic pollution, furthering GPAP's mission to combat this pressing global challenge.
By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
• Break down the purposes, strengths and challenges of multilateral diplomacy through the perspective
of diplomatic negotiations within frameworks such as the UN;
• Identify the key stakeholders involved in multilateral processes, and assess their specific needs and
interests in order to bring about mutually beneficial agreements;
• Discuss the structures, rules of procedure, and decision-making processes of multilateral processes,
with a focus on the key international environmental organizations and frameworks
The Workshop on Multilateral Processes and International Agreements is designed as a two-day programme.
UNITAR is open to suggestions from the World Economic Forum on the structure and content, and to jointly
decide on the final form of the workshop.
The training is designed to be interactive and participatory, combining lectures, group discussions, case studies,
practical exercises, and role-playing simulations. Participants will actively engage in problem-solving activities,
share insights, and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. Multimedia resources will be utilized to
enhance understanding. The interactive approach fosters collaboration, critical thinking, and practical skill
acquisition for participants' engagement in multilateral fields.
The programme addresses the needs of members of the Global Plastic Action Partnership and other individuals
from the World Economic Forum, with the training being designed for a maximum of 25 participants. The final
number of participants may be revised if requested by the World Economic Forum.