26 Mar 2024
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UNITAR NYO Launch of Data Diplomacy Academy (DDA)

New York, New York, United States of America
1 Days
Programme Area
Governance, Local Development, Peace Security and Diplomacy, Peacemaking and Conflict Prevention, Multilateral Diplomacy, International Law
Event Focal Point Email
By application & selection
Mode of Delivery
Multilateral Diplomacy
Data Protection and Privacy
The personal data of participants applying for, registering for or participating in UNITAR's training courses and other events is governed by the Data Protection and Privacy Policy. By applying for, registering for or participating in this event, the participant acknowledges that he or she is, (or they are) aware of the policy and agree to its terms.

Agenda - UNHQ, Conference Room 11

10:00-10:30 Part I DDA Launching Ceremony

  • The Ceremony will convene high-level authorities and partners of DDA to introduce the program.

10:30AM-13:00 PART II Substantive Segments

  • The substantive segments will expose participants to more detailed content about the DDA's offerings.
    • DDA Capacity-building and data products: Dr. Rafael Mesquita - Overview of DDA course offerings: content, features, and format and demonstration of data tools and their applications

    • DDA Research: Mr. Antonio Pires - Demonstration of analytics and knowledge content produced by DDA Research on the topic of Children in Armed Conflict in the UN Security Council

    • DDA Events and cooperation: Dr. Iure Paiva - Overview of recent and planned events under the DDA network

Building upon the success of the Data Diplomacy Project introduced during the 8th Science, Technology and Innovation Forum, UNITAR is increasing its efforts on digital capacity-building at the UN through a new venture: the Data Diplomacy Academy (DDA). Beginning in 2024, the Data Diplomacy Academy will be a knowledge and training hub to assist diplomats and other parties of the UN system with the tools and knowhow necessary to harness the potential of the data science revolution. The abundance of data of our present time creates unprecedented opportunities to render work in multilateral organizations smarter, broader, and more equitable across the system. By partnering with the team of scholars, UNITAR will seek to make these benefits accessible to all, as well as to use this information to produce new insights into the workings and dynamics of the UN.

The Data Diplomacy Academy offers data-based solutions to multilateral work in three areas of international politics: energy, security, and multilateralism. These three domains are explored through dedicated tools that are available for free in our suite of solutions: Enetrix, UN Security Council Debates, and RESONA.

To achieve its core aim of leveraging the benefits of data science to optimize work in multilateral diplomacy, the Academy delivers five principal offerings:

1. Development of digital tools and databases on the fields of multilateral politics, peace and security, and international energy cooperation.

2. Courses on data science applied to international relations and multilateral service.

3. Paper series, custom reports, and other publications that deliver new insights on the UN system through data science.

4. Seminars, talks, and opportunities to collaborate and circulate ideas.

5. Institutional cooperation with universities, think tanks, and other players in academia and policy.


Learn MORE about the Academy here:

The Data Diplomacy Academy will allow diplomats, international civil servants, and other parties to derive actionable insights from complex datasets and make evidence-based decisions, formulate more effective policies, and negotiate with greater precision and foresight. Participants at the DDA launch will be shown all the resources that the initiative has to offer, including early access to the digital tools, samples of the knowledge content (courses and reports), and networking opportunities with other project partners.

By partnering a team of scholars from Brazil noted below, UNITAR seeks to make the benefits of data governing accessible to all, and most specifically to produce new insights into the workings and dynamics of the UN.

Prof. Henry Iure de Paiva Silva, Professor of International Relations at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) Leader of the Study Group on Energy Security (Gesene:

Dr. Antonio Henrique Pires dos Santos, Chairman of the DiploData startup Member of the research groups Núcleo de Estudos em Política Comparada e Relações Internacionais (NEPI-UFPE) and Computational and Experimental Political Science Lab (CPCEX Lab-UFPE).

Prof. Rafael Mesquita, Professor of International Relations at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) Coordinator of the research project “Multilateralism and Global Challenges: Past, Present, and Future”


Participants will...

  • Learn from the participants and invited authorities about the vision and scope of DDA.
  • Learn about and utilize the digital innovation products developed by the team of scholars (Enetrix, The Security Council Debates Platform, The Resolution Navigator).
  • Learn more about the research and knowledge generation component through the paper series and samples of custom reports.
  • Connect with other stakeholders and map areas for future cooperation.


The course is intended for

  • Members of Permanent Missions accredited to the United Nations Headquarters in New York
  • Members of the UN Secretariat and other international public servants, delegates of Ministries of Foreign Affairs and other government officials.
  • Other professionals who also have need of data science training for the purposes of information retrieval and analysis.

Please contact Olga Kurilina (olga.kurilina@unitar,org) UNITAR's Programme Coordinator for any questions.