This integrated toolkit has been created by UNITAR together with UNDG and is being used at country level since May 2015. It contains a briefing package designed for use by national governments and can be easily adapted to each national context. The toolkit includes guidance materials for facilitators, which enables national stakeholders to deliver the workshops themselves. UNITAR experts are available for coaching and support if required. This training package is available to all and is free of charge thanks to donor support received by UNITAR. It is available in English, French, Spanish, and Russian. The toolkit is to be used for organising national briefings with two main objectives: (a) to raise awareness among key governments and national stakeholders about the content of the 2030 Agenda and implications for the country-level; (b) to enable countries to begin preliminary discussions on mainstreaming the agenda into each national context, including the initial mapping of the SDGs in the context of existing national plans and strategies, and to reflect on priority-setting, as well as data, monitoring and review requirements.
The proposed briefings will aim to:
- Raise awareness among key national stakeholders on the content and implications of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development;
- Engage key stakeholders in the process of reflection on the key steps needed to start the integration of the agenda into the national development strategies and plans.
The national briefing package is a self-explanatory integrated toolkit designed to support national facilitators in planning and delivering briefings at the country level. The package includes:
- Detailed program, organized in six modules with guidance for facilitators;
- Discussion questions prepared with guidance from the UNDG Sustainable Development Working Group;
- Kit with presentations, quizzes, videos, participants’ manual and methodologies for discussion groups.
The briefing package is designed as a set of modules and can be delivered in one of the following formats:
- 2-day workshop (a total of 12-16 hours);
- 5 briefings (2–3 hours in length) spread over several days or weeks.
The briefing is intended for 30 to 100 participants. If the number of participants is high, Governments may decide to re-run the briefings.
The package is designed to provide essential information and promote engagement among key national “change agents” under the leadership of their respective Governments. Such “change agents” include government officers, including from sectoral Ministries, parliamentarians, local authorities, media representatives, NGOs, business and industry, trade unions, community leaders, academia and universities, philanthropists, youth organizations, country-based international partners, etc.