10 Nov 2019
The registration is closed.

Digital and Cyber Diplomacy

3 Weeks
Programme Area
Peace Security and Diplomacy, Multilateral Diplomacy
Event Focal Point Email
Contact Number
+41 (0)22 917 84 71 / +41 (0)22 917 87 16
Public – by registration
Mode of Delivery
Peace, People, Planet, Prosperity
Data Protection and Privacy
The personal data of participants applying for, registering for or participating in UNITAR's training courses and other events is governed by the Data Protection and Privacy Policy. By applying for, registering for or participating in this event, the participant acknowledges that he or she is, (or they are) aware of the policy and agree to its terms.

New digital technologies have had, and will continue to have, a profound impact on both the practice and content matter of diplomacy. The digital ecosystem in which diplomats operate offers new opportunities, especially for smaller states, but also challenges traditional activities and organisational structures. At the same time, cyberspace itself is throwing up a series of issues, range ranging from Internet governance to cyber security, which require diplomacy. This on line course focuses on both digital diplomacy (the use of digital tools to promote broader diplomatic strategies) and cyber diplomacy (the use of diplomacy to tackle the issues arising in cyberspace).

This course aims to equip participants with the practical skills to make the best use of digital tools in pursuing diplomatic objective. It will also help them understand better the challenges and difficulties digital technologies pose for diplomacy. At the same time, it will help them better understand the broad range of problems being generated in cyberspace and how diplomacy can be applied to managing them. It will help learners make the best use of digital tools in promoting diplomatic objectives, and develop effective strategies for managing the multiple problems thrown up by the growing cyberspace.

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Identify the range of diplomatic tools available to facilitate and promote different diplomatic activities;
  • Develop digital diplomacy strategies in pursuit of broader foreign policy objectives;
  • Identify the key problems of internet governance and how diplomatic mindsets and techniques can be applied to managing them;
  • Distinguish between the different aspects of cybersecurity and the challenge they pose to governments, companies and society;
  • Be able to apply diplomatic approaches to managing cybersecurity challenges.


The course will include the following topics:

Digital Diplomacy

  • A Question of Definition
  • Digital Diplomacy: Political Analysis and Consular Protection
  • Public Diplomacy and Social Media
  • Algorithms and Beyond Social Media
  • Digital Technologies, Diplomats and Foreign Ministries


  • Diplomacy and the Problems of Cyberspace
  • Internet Governance
  • Cybersecurity and Cyberdiplomacy
  • Diplomacy and Cybercrime
  • The Diplomat in Cyberspace


e-Learning: The course is internet-based, moderated by a senior international expert, asynchronous, and places emphasis on online discussions and self-paced learning. The participants will be primarily responsible for their own learning over the four-week span of the course. The course will consist of the following components:

-Compulsory and optional reading material, intended to teach the basic concepts and principles of the lesson's subject-matter;
-External links to additional books, articles, documents, and websites related to the lessons;
-Quizzes and case studies at the end of each module. To be eligible for the course certificate, a passing grade of 80% on both quizzes and case studies is required;
-A Community Discussion Board will be available for participants to post questions or comments visible to the instructor and other participants. This discussion board will be moderated by the course director and UNITAR;
-Simulation Exercise

Estimated learning time: minimum of 24 hours.

Participants will be eligible to receive a certificate of completion after the successful completion of the course.

The course targets junior to senior-level governmental officials as well as staff of intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations. It also targets entry-level and mid-career diplomats and private and public sector specialists. Postgraduate students with relevant experience in multicultural working environment are also encouraged to apply. 

We highly recommend credit card payments.

Registration will be closed as soon as the course is full and your place will be secured once your payment is confirmed.

For more information, please consult the UNITAR Multilateral Diplomacy Programme website or contact mdp-elearning [at] (mdp-elearning[at]unitar[dot]org) 

General Requirements

-Good command of the English Language

Technical Requirements

UNITAR recommends the following as a minimum in hardware and software to take our e-Learning courses. Please consult your Network Administrator or Systems person to ensure that you have the following:

-Platform: Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, ME, XP or superior; MacOS 9 or MacOS X; Linux
-Hardware: 64 MB of RAM, 1 GB of free disk space

Adobe Acrobat Reader 
Adobe Flash Player 
Microsoft Office (Windows or Mac) or Open Office 

Browser: Internet Explorer 7 or higher ; it works better with Firefox 3.6 or higher
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