CIFAL York - Nurses’ Voices Speaker Series
The world’s nurses have been enduring ceaseless challenges from the overwhelmed health care system—resulting in burn-out. This was further exacerbated by the most recent COVID-19 pandemic that strained the front-line nurses worldwide. Even as nurses have been appreciated and widely trusted for this service—their public voices are still rarely heard. The absence of nursing’s voice contributes to the fact that nurses continue to be undervalued.
This ‘Nurses’ Voices Speakers’ Series’ will continue our innovative global multi-media outreach to prepare and engage nurses, including students and retirees, to become empowered leading public storytellers and to share their stories of advocating for healing, resilience, and collaboration for a healthy world—as thought-leaders across the global public space and to the listening ears of everyone!
The key goals and objectives of the speaker series are to:
To provide a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences related to nursing and nursing’s public image and voice—across all six WHO Regions and representing many nursing clinical areas of practice, including public health.
To create a leading community of influencers, practitioners, researchers, and educators who are interested in nursing and improving nursing’s public image and voice.
To increase awareness of and commitment to the Nightingale Declaration to Achieve a Healthy World (available in 13 language versions) as our strategy for establishing NIGH’s global community and, thus, to strengthen NIGH’s capacity to bring grassroots-to-global feedback through our UN ECOSOC ‘Special Consultative Status.’
To provide attendees with practical information and tools that they can use in their own work related to nursing’s public image and voice.
To promote nurses, nursing, and nursing’s public image—across all six WHO Regions—by highlighting leading success stories and best practices.
To foster collaboration and networking among attendees, speakers, and stakeholders.
To stay up-to-date with the latest research, developments and trends in nursing’s public image and voices.
To provide attendees with an opportunity to access and provide feedback on Virtual Technical applications developed and established at CIFAL York.
To embed a study of the transcripts from this ‘Speakers’ Series’ to determine relevant themes and to publish related results in a published format to be determined.
To foster collaboration and networking among attendees, speakers, and stakeholders.
To stay up-to-date with the latest research, developments and trends in nursing’s public image and voices.
To provide attendees with an opportunity to access and provide feedback on Virtual Technical applications developed and established at CIFAL York.
To embed a study of the transcripts from this ‘Speakers’ Series’ to determine relevant themes and to publish related results in a published format to be determined.
Experts in the field present their work and lived experiences related to nursing in a global context. The presentations are followed by a moderated Q&A session to discuss what has been presented with those in attendance.
Nursing Education Professionals, Researchers, and Students
Nursing Clinical Practice Professionals, Researchers, and Students
Public Health Nursing Professionals, Researchers, and Students
Professionals, Researchers, and Students in relevant academic fields
Non-governmental and intergovernmental professionals in related fields
Political, Religious, and Social Leaders
National, State, and Provincial Health Ministers
United Nations Representatives
Policy Makers