16 Apr 2024
The registration is closed.

CIFAL Philippines-Climate Resiliency for Transport Infrastructure Symposium

Taguig City, Philippines
1 Hours
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email
AnyWay Solutions
Public – by registration
Mode of Delivery
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With transportation networks serving as vital lifelines for communities, the symposium achieved its goal of raising awareness and mobilizing resources to bolster the resilience of these essential systems and protect the economies by reducing disruption to industries and people’s livelihoods. Delegates left with a renewed sense of responsibility and increased knowledge to address the critical issue of climate change and its impact on transportation systems across vulnerable regions of the Philippines.

Esteemed guest speakers such as Secretary Borje from the Climate Change Commission (CCC), Prof. Mikail Chester from Arizona State University (ASU), Prof. Michelle Rubido Palumbarit- UN CIFAL (UNITAR), and Department of Works and Highways (DPWH), Secretary Bonoan by Assistant Secretary Constante Llanes, to name a few, graced the stage. Everyone was aligned with common goals to share knowledge and encourage action for a better climate-resilient future that supports progression towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).  The event was moderated by Philippines News Anchor Mai Rodriguez, and the speakers were rounded out by multiple AnyWay Solutions subject matter experts. Alex Campbell, Director of Engineering Solutions, and Zeevik Halber, AnyWays CEO, introduced a holistic approach to climate-resilient transport solutions, including transport design, pavement engineering, asset management, satellite technologies and the future of AI in transport infrastructure engineering.

The event was held face-to-face in Taguig City.

 Government, policymakers, engineers and contractors