20 Sep 2024

CIFAL Lebanon - Impact Sourcing: An Overview of Social Responsibility in Business

2 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email
CIFAL Lebanon
Public – by registration
Mode of Delivery
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CIFAL Lebanon is excited to announce its second webinar "Impact Sourcing: An Overview of Social Responsibility in Business". This event is part of a series of webinars that will explore sustainability initiatives in support of various SDGs.

In this webinar on Impact Sourcing, participants can expect to gain a fundamental understanding of how impact sourcing integrates social responsibility with business objectives. The session will begin with an introduction to the key concepts and importance of impact sourcing,
followed by a discussion on the business case, including benefits and a real-world case presentation. Attendees will learn about some common
challenges faced in impact sourcing and explore strategies for effective mitigation. The webinar will also delve into future efforts in the field.
Interactive Q&A and actionable takeaways will round out the session, providing participants with the tools and insights needed to gain a better
understanding of the benefits of impact sourcing to communities and businesses.

1. Understand the Concept and Importance of Impact Sourcing
2. Identify the Business and Social Benefits of Impact Sourcing
3. Recognize Common Challenges in the Implementation of Impact Sourcing
4. Envision the Future of Impact Sourcing

Day 1
A. Introduction

a. Welcome and Brief Introduction on CIFAL Lebanon
b. Opening Remarks of CIFAL Executive Director
c. Introduction of Speaker

B. Session 1: Understanding Impact Sourcing

a. Defining Impact Sourcing

i.Definition and principles of Impact Sourcing
ii.Historical context and evolution of Impact Sourcing

b. Impact Sourcing and Sustainable Development

i.Contributing to poverty reduction, access to quality education,
and promoting economic empowerment in disadvantaged
ii.Impact Sourcing and the SDGs


  • 1. SDG 1: No Poverty
  • 2. SDG 4: Quality Education
  • 3. SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 4. SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
  • 5. SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals

c. The Business Case for Impact Sourcing

i.Talent Advantage: Access to untapped talent pools, and stable and
engaged workforce.
ii.Economic impact: Long term cost savings, and improved business
d. Integrating Impact Sourcing into Business Models
i.Identifying suitable areas for Impact Sourcing within an organization
ii.Steps to develop and implement an Impact Sourcing strategy.
iii.Evaluating the success of Impact Sourcing for an organization
e. Challenges faced in the implementation of Impact Sourcing
i.Common Challenges in Implementing Impact Sourcing
ii.Mitigation Strategies and Best Practices
iii.The Role of Technology and Partnerships

C. Interactive Poll

D. Coffee Break

E. Session 2: Case Studies and the Future of Impact Sourcing

a. Case Studies from Leading Organizations

i.Presentation of successful Impact Sourcing initiatives from various
ii.Impact Sourcing in Kenya and the Philippines: ADEC Innovations

b. Intentionality in Impact Sourcing
i.Defining intentionality in Impact Sourcing

c. The Future of Impact Sourcing
i.Emerging trends and evolving work activities
ii.The role of Policies, Legislation, and Technology
iii.Opportunities for Scaling Impact Sourcing Initiatives

F. Conclusion
G. Q&A Session

a. Open the floor for participant questions.

H. Closing for Day 1
a. Closing Remarks from Speaker
b. UNITAR Survey
c. Reminders for Day 2 Session

i. Certificates
ii. Zoom link.

d. CIFAL Lebanon Announcements

e. Final Remarks from Executive Director

Day 2
1. Opening
2. Recap

  • 1. Recap of Key Points
  • 2. Additional Resources and Reading Materials

3. Post Assessment
4. Coffee Break
5. Closing

  • 1. Closing Remarks from Speaker
  • 2. UNITAR Survey
  • 3. Reminders
    • 1. Certificates
    • 2. Upcoming Webinar/s
    • 3. Social Media
    • 4. Final Remarks from Executive Director

There will be a pre-test to assess the level of understanding that webinar participants have on Impact Sourcing. The session will then carry on with a discussion about Impact Sourcing and its contribution to sustainable development, along with case studies to show the real-world implementation of Impact Sourcing strategies. There will be a Q&A session and a post assessment at the end of the session to assess participant

This webinar is suited for anyone interested in learning about sustainable development through business, specifically through impact sourcing
strategies. This can include:

1. Business Leaders and Executives
2. Policy Makers and Government Representatives
3. HR and Talent Acquisition Professionals
4. CSR and Sustainability Managers
5. Service Providers
6. NGOs and Social Enterprises