8 Mar 2024
The registration is closed.

CIFAL Curitiba-Girls in Science - Celso Charuri

Side Event
Cascavel, Brazil
1 Hours
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email
SESI schools
Council on Social Responsibility of FIEP
Education Management of FIEP
Public – by registration
Mode of Delivery
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 Since 2016, February 11th has been dedicated to recognizing women in science. According to UNESCO data, women represent 33.3% of all researchers worldwide, and only 12% of them are members of national scientific academies. When looking at technology and innovation fields, the presence of female researchers drops even further: they account for only one in every five professionals.  The "Girls and Women in Science" project is an initiative of CIFAL Curitiba and the Education Management of the FIEP System, with the support of the Council Social Responsibility of FIEP, to encourage girls' participation in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields.  In 2024, the project includes a virtual meeting and decentralized actions in all state regions, as well as a statewide contest for students from Sesi Schools.

Each event brought together women scientists from different industries to discuss the role of girls and women in STEM education. For this specific event at Celso Charuri in downtown Curitiba, our guests were: Daoana Alka Cordeiro (biomedical doctor from Senai and PUCPR), Izabella Augusta dos Reis Martins and Isabela Yukimi O. C. Cássaro from Renault Group.


Students from Sesi Schools