Disponibilité de l'événement
10 sur un total de 447 événements
By application & selection
Fermé aux inscriptions
Type: Workshop
Durée: 1 Hours
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : pft-elearning@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Public Finance and Trade
Date limite: Fermé
By application & selection
English, Spanish
Fermé aux inscriptions
Type: Webinar
Durée: 1 Hours
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : pft-elearning@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Public Finance and Trade
Date limite: Fermé
20mai 2024 - 16juin 2024
Public – by registration
Fermé aux inscriptions
Type: Course
Durée: 4 Weeks
Frais: 600.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : mdp-elearning@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Peace Security and Diplomacy, Multilateral Diplomacy

In the context of developing bilateral contractual relations, negotiation has taken a prominent place as a decision-making and regulation process. Also, the challenge of renewed multilateralism is closely linked to the ability of the international community to foster truly productive negotiation processes in a rapidly evolving global context.

Date limite: Fermé
20mai 2024 - 16juin 2024
Public – by registration
Fermé aux inscriptions
Type: Course
Durée: 4 Weeks
Frais: 600.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : mdp-elearning@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Peace Security and Diplomacy, Multilateral Diplomacy

The United Nations and its related bodies, agencies and programmes convene thousands of formal and informal, official and unofficial, meetings and conferences each year. The Secretary-General meets with Heads of States and Governments and Ministers on an on-going basis either at Headquarters or during his travels.

Public – by registration
Fermé aux inscriptions
Type: Workshop
Durée: 1 Hours
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : pft-elearning@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Public Finance and Trade
By application & selection
Fermé aux inscriptions
Type: Workshop
Durée: 1 Hours
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : pft-elearning@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Public Finance and Trade
By application & selection
Fermé aux inscriptions
Type: Workshop
Durée: 1 Hours
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : pft-elearning@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Public Finance and Trade
By application & selection
Fermé aux inscriptions
Type: Workshop
Durée: 1 Days
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : pft-elearning@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Public Finance and Trade
Date limite: 31 déc 2026
Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 1 Days
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : disaster@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) plays a crucial role in accelerating global efforts towards disaster risk reduction to achieve inclusive sustainable development. As the lead agency within the United Nations system for coordinating disaster risk reduction, UNDRR offers an e-learning course titled "Risk Assessment for National Planning Processes".

Date limite: 31 déc 2026
Public – by registration
Ouvert pour s'inscrire / appliquer
Type: Course
Durée: 1 Days
Frais: 0.00 USD
Personne de référence de l'évenement : disaster@unitar.org
Zone du programme: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) plays a crucial role in accelerating global efforts towards disaster risk reduction to achieve inclusive sustainable development. As the lead agency within the United Nations system for coordinating disaster risk reduction, UNDRR offers an e-learning course titled "Risk Assessment for National Planning Processes".