If you are applying to the program and wish to validate your professional experience instead of presenting a bachelor's degree, you must meet specific criteria. You need to have at least two years of work experience and/or professional expertise in one or more of the following fields: Legal Practice and Representation, Human Action, Political Science, Cities and Urbanism, International Cooperation, International Conflict, Criminology, Diplomacy, Law, Human Rights and Democracy, Taxation, Public Administration and Management, Mediation, International Relations, or Military and Security Forces. Your experience will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if it meets the program's requirements. Please note that, under UOC regulations, once you choose this pathway and decide to validate your professional experience, you will not be able to change your entry pathway to present a bachelor's degree or any other qualification later. If you are applying to the program, this field is mandatory unless you choose to enter the program by validating your work experience.