Event Availability
4 from a total of 34 events
Deadline: Closed
Public – by registration
Closed for new registrations
Type: Course
Duration: 31 Days
Fee: 3,880.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: multilateralism@unitar.org
Programme Area: Multilateral Diplomacy

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1963 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the work of the UN and its member states.

By application & selection
Closed for new registrations
Type: Course
Duration: 5 Months
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: pft-elearning@unitar.org
Programme Area: Public Finance and Trade

This programme is funded by Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) and implemented by UNITAR. The beneficiaries of this programme are women and youth from TANZANIA who are based in the country.

Deadline: Closed
25Sep 2023 - 31Jul 2025
Geneva, Switzerland
By application & selection
Closed for new registrations
Type: Course
Duration: 18 Months
Fee: 19,750.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: baptistelle.paldino@unitar.org
Programme Area: Multilateral Diplomacy

The Master in Anti-Corruption and Diplomacy (MACD) is a modular postgraduate academic degree programme delivered over 18 months, in a mixture of campus-based and online (live interaction), jointly by UNITAR and the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA). Designed as an in-career programme, MACD has a compact structure and covers two disciplines, namely, anti-corruption and diplomacy.

Private – by invitation
Closed for new registrations
Type: Course
Duration: 2 Days
Fee: 0.00 USD
Event Focal Point Email: UNITAR-CIFAL@newcastle.edu.au
Programme Area: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

The University of Newcastle has a nationally recognized history of achievement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and actively pursues a "whole-of-university" commitment to Indigenous collaboration.