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E-learning Course: Business & the 2030 Agenda: Working Together Towards a Sustainable Future.

1 Days
Área del programa
Corporate Social Responsibility
0,00 US$
Correo Electrónico del Centro de Coordinación del Evento
Número del Centro de Coordinación del evento
+1 212 963 9196
Public – by registration
Tipo de aprendizaje
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The main objective of the SDG-Fund is to bring together UN agencies, national governments, academia, civil society and business to address the challenges of poverty. The Conference will be organized for UN delegates, UN staff, the private sector, international financial institutions, top academics and practitioners working on relevant issues, business associations, and relevant civil society representatives. The goal of the conference is to add a sustaining and longer-term outlet from which to engage with constituents, leading to greater learning, exploration of possibilities for partnerships, and development of a Community of Practice – where government officials have a standing resource from which to engage further with the business sector.

To enroll in this online course:

1.) Create an e-learning account if you don't already have one using this link:

2.) After creating your account log into the e-learning platform. On the navigation menu click on the folder "courses".

3.) Click on the 2030 Agenda section under "Courses", and select the course "Business and the 2030 Agenda: Working Together Towards a Sustainable Future". 

4.) Click "Enroll".