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Conflict series - 1. What is conflict? [PTP.2020.01E]

1 Days
Área del programa
0,00 US$
Correo Electrónico del Centro de Coordinación del Evento
Public – by registration
Tipo de aprendizaje
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The conflict series is an open, self-paced course meant to provide an introduction to conflict studies and more advanced courses in conflictology.

The first of a series of three, this short course explores the meaning of conflict. Drawing upon different definitions and tools, its goal is to create a basic baggage of knowledge, which can then be expanded in further courses in conflict analysis and resolution.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Provide a definition of the meaning of conflict;
  • Describe the sources, complexity, role and pyramid of actors in conflict.


The course is composed of six sections:

  • Section 1: Kilmann conflict character type test
  • Section 2: What is the meaning of conflict?
  • Section 3: What are the sources of conflict?
  • Section 4: The complexity of conflict
  • Section 5: Evolution of conflict
  • Section 6: Actors in conflict

The average work time is estimated at 4 hours. 

The course is a self-guided, self-paced, web-based course that is on-going and can be accessed at any time. The material is presented in an interactive visual and text format with web-based reference resources. Multiple choice quizzes at the end of each lesson serve a dual function of assessing and evaluating the students’ understanding and retention and provide a further didactic function by reviewing the content.

At the successful completion of the course participants will be awarded with a badge. 

Primary audience: The course is designed for anyone who has an interest and curiosity in conflict studies.

Secondary audience: The course is geared towards anyone who wishes to garner a baggage of basic knowledge to then pursue more advanced courses in conflictology, notably UNITAR’s Master degree in Conflict, Peace and Security. 

Technical Requirements 

UNITAR recommends the following as a minimum in hardware and software to take our e-Learning courses. Please consult your Network Administrator or Systems person to ensure that you have the following: 


Windows 7 or superior; 

MacOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or superior; 



Intel Core 2 Duo – or AMD – 3 GHz processor; 

3 GB of RAM (4 GB recommended); 

Hard drive: 160 GB minimum.                     


Adobe Acrobat Reader; 

Adobe Flash Player. 


Google Chrome 30.0 or superior; 

Mozilla Firefox 25.0 or superior; 

Safari 7 or superior; 

Microsoft Edge 

Note that JavaScript, Cookies and Popups must be enabled 


- Apple iOS in Apple iOS 10 or superior on iPad: 

Articulate Mobile Player; 

Moodle Mobile. 

- Android OS in Android OS 4.1 or superior (optimized for tablets): 

Articulate Mobile Player; 

Moodle Mobile.