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Cervical & Breast Cancer Screening Training

Nyamata, Bugesera district, Rwanda
2 Days
Área del programa
0,00 US$
Correo Electrónico del Centro de Coordinación del Evento
Ministry of Health of Rwanda
Private – by invitation
Tipo de aprendizaje
English, Other
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Cervical cancer screening in Rwanda could not gain momentum as it was done by oncologists in the hospitals untill date. Now the Ministry of Health of Rwanda is decentralizing cervical cancer screening services to the district hospitals and to the health centers therein.

Bugesera is now the 8th district in Rwanda whose nurses are invited to this training to build their capacity to conduct cervical and breast cancer screening and offer precancerous treatment by thermal ablation in health centres and LEEP in the district hospitals.  

Two groups of training to be conducted back-to-back and facilitated by 6 trainers:

  • Cervical & breast cancer screening training group: will have 19 nurses and doctors 
  • Cervical cancer and breast data reporting from health facilities henceforth, Mozima application: will have 17 data managers

Participants will learn both the theoretical and practical aspects of cancer screening with hands-on training at the hospital 

Lectures and practical hand-on training

Lectures and practical hand-on training

Health workers, Government, NGOs, International Organisations