Force Medical Officers (FMOs) play a vital role in UN peacekeeping missions, ensuring quality medical support in challenging environments. This course provides FMOs with a common understanding of UN medical support structures, policies, and operational parameters to enhance their leadership and readiness.
Digital Government Academy. UNCTAD-UNITAR. Project "Introduction to Tokenization".
Following the adoption of the resolution "End Plastic Pollution: Towards an International Legally Binding Instrument" by 175 countries at the United Nations Environment Assembly in March 2022, the Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP) at the World Economic Forum was established to address global plastic pollution.
Digital Government Academy. UNCTAD-UNITAR. Project "Mali. Guichet électronique pour la mise sur le marché des médicaments au Mali".
Accord de coopération entre la CNUCED et les Pays-Bas pour appuyer les efforts du du Mali en matière de Gouvernement électronique