Air pollution impacts our health, environment and economy. Air pollutants come from multiple sources, such as traffic, industry and agriculture, and are transported over large distances and across borders. It is therefore paramount that we take action together — across sectors and national boundaries.
Welcome to this online course! This online course targets individuals that already have operational and/or policy experience in DDR and want to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the new and revised Integrated DDR Standards (IDDRS).
The University of Newcastle has a nationally recognized history of achievement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and actively pursues a "whole-of-university" commitment to Indigenous collaboration.
The Global Industry Alliance to Support Low Carbon Shipping (Low Carbon GIA) is a public-private
partnership, established under the framework of the IMO-Norway GreenVoyage2050 Project, that
brings together maritime industry leaders with a view to supporting an energy efficient and low carbon
The Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) facility, hosted by the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), was designed to promote climate change-resilient communities and local economies by establishing a standard, internationally recognised country-based mechanism to channel climate finance to local government authorities in developing countries, in particular the least developed countries
Why take this course?
Can you imagine a world without e-waste? What will it look like? How do we achieve it? This course aims to inspire, as much as educate. It dares learners to co-create a better tomorrow through individual and joint action.
UNITAR is supporting the African Union activities related to strengthening the capacity of its Member States to provide effective support to implement emerging as well as classic DDR through the operationalization and dissemination of the AU Operational Guidance Notes (OGNs).