WHO Nutrition Guideline Development
This e-learning course explores the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline development process and is based on the WHO Handbook for Guideline Development (2nd edition). The course introduces key groups and stages in the guideline development process, the Cochrane methodology to ensure recommendations are based on the best available evidence and the GRADE approach which ensures proper assessment of the quality of evidence. It also highlights and provides guidance on the inclusion of gender, equity, human rights and social determinants of health considerations.
On the basis of this, WHO, in partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), developed the 3-hour e-learning course WHO Nutrition Guideline Development.
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the process of developing WHO guidelines.
- Identify key groups involved in guideline development.
- Recognize the importance of equity, human rights, gender and social determinants in guideline development.
- Describe the process of declaring and managing conflicts of interest.
- Understand how WHO supports countries to adapt and implement guidelines.
Self-paced e-learning course.