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CIFAL Quito - International Forum on Popular and Solidarity Economy

Congope, Ecuador
2 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email
Consorcio de Gobiernos Autónomos Provinciales de Ecuador (CONGOPE)
Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN)
Instituto de Economía Popular y Solidaria (IEPS)
Public – by registration
Mode of Delivery
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In the context of the employment crisis, the solidarity economy emerges as a space for the construction of alternative forms of work and production, involving a diversity of social actors. Training and qualification is contributing to the process of the construction of the solidarity economy movement through the constitution of a new collective actor: a network of articulated incubators with strong performance in local spaces.

Consolidate and promote the popular and solidary economy, within the sustainable formation and training; being part of the integration of the demand presented by its actors.


Panel 1: social and solidarity economy: strategies for economic development

Panel 2: approximation of the popular and solidarity economy and its impact on the Ecuadorian economic system

Panel 3:  the social, commercial and financial links as elements of the development of the eps

Panel 4: social, commercial and financial links as elements of the development of eps

Panel 5: social and solidarity economy: territorial, national and international comparative analysis

Panel 6: the contribution of the eps to sustainable development

Panel 7: the role of the eps sustainable development and agri-food transformation

Conferences with intellectual activists, and national and international experts. Intervention of experiences, from the hand of the different invited organizations.
Facilitated dialogue.

Specialists from local governments.