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NAP-GSP Pacific Regional Training Workshop on “Appraisal and Prioritisation of Adaptation Options”

Nadi, Fiji
4 Days
Programme Area
Event Focal Point Email
UN Environment
Private – by invitation
Mode of Delivery
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 The NAP-GSP Regional Training Workshop for the Pacific, focussing on the appraisal and prioritisation of adaptation options for national adaptation planning (NAP) was held in Nadi, Fiji from 28 to 31 May 2018.

The workshop aimed to both enhance the technical capacity for appraisal and prioritisation of adaptation options, and advance South-South collaboration to support national adaptation planning processes. 

By the end of the training workshop, participants will be able to:

Describe the importance of climate change adaptation and national adaptation planning in the Pacific region;

Outline the importance of climate information in adaptation planning;

Describe at least three appraisal tools that can be used to prioritize adaptation tools;

Explain the key steps in at least 2 appraisal tools when appraising and prioritizing adaptation options;

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of at least 2 appraisal tools for adaptation options prioritization.

 This training workshop was designed to provide a focused training on the “appraisal and prioritization of adaptation options” to strengthen the adaptation planning process of these countries.  This is an important part of the Element B of the NAP Technical Guidelines and allows countries to appraise individual adaptation options, including economic, ecosystem and social costs and benefits, and possibilities for unintended (positive and negative) impacts of adaptation measures.

The aim of this training workshop is to provide the participants with an overview of the various appraisal tools (e.g. CBA, CEA, MCA, and others) to support decision-making for adaptation options in order to provide them with the knowledge to ask the right questions when having to prioritize or appraise various adaptation options; including the assessment of purpose, efficiency and effectiveness.

The workshop was interactive and participatory, providing a blend of plenary sessions and group exercises. It followed the steps of the process for appraisal and prioritisation of adaptation options for NAPs, aligned with the LEG technical guidelines for the NAP process.   Group stocktaking exercises and presentations highlighted the various tools, case-studies, best practices and needs for appraisal and prioritisation of adaptation options and encouraged further knowledge exchange among countries. Country experiences were shared on theme of national experiences with appraisal and prioritisation of adaptation options for NAPs.

It was attended by 41 policymakers from 14 Pacific countries including Fiji,  Cook Islands, Kiribati, Soloman Islands, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Samoa, Niue, Tonga, Tuvalu, Nauru, Vatu, Papau New Guinea, Palau, and Haiti.

Experts from the following organizations supported the training event: UN Environment, UNDP, UNITAR, SPREP, the Korea Environment Institute (KEI), WMO, UNFCCC, FAO, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), IOM, GIZ, GCF, ADB and WB