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18 Mar 2024
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CIFAL Málaga-Málaga Hackathon: Sustainable Innovation for the Future

Málaga, Spain
4 Days
Área del programa
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
0,00 US$
Correo Electrónico del Centro de Coordinación del Evento
Oracle Corporation
Maristas Nuestra Señora de la Victoria school - Málaga
Public – by registration
Tipo de aprendizaje
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The search for young talent and their involvement in society as active drivers of a more sustainable world motivated the birth of this project, Malaga Hackathon: Sustainable Innovation for the future.  Since the end of last year, Maristas and Oracle have been carrying out activities and initiatives that promote the approach of technology to the classroom and the dissemination of this technology for the development of a better society where both young people and vulnerable groups have a place and feel co-responsible and called to active participation, breaking taboos and beliefs related to this sector.  This project aims to "empower" young talents committed to society to believe that entrepreneurship and innovation are the perfect combination to make dreams come true.

 Promote student involvement in the development of a more sustainable and inclusive world.  Encourage the use of technology and innovation for the benefit of development and the common good.  To bring students closer to real work experiences and environments to develop skills that will allow them to better adapt to the labor market.  To recognize young talent in Malaga and give it a leading and driving role.  Encourage entrepreneurship as a key competence for personal development.  Acquire the necessary knowledge on SDGs and Agenda 2030.

19/03/2024 - HH. Maristas Two-hour introductory workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda, by the CIFAL Malaga team.  01/04/2024 - HH. Maristas Accompanied by the Oracle team, the Project is launched and explained. The authorities are presented to motivate the achievement of the objective. The work tools, planning, and the final prize are presented.   02/04/2024-03/04/2024 - HH. Maristas Group work begins. During these days they will be tutored by Oracle and Maristas equipped so that they can develop their ideas with the maximum feasibility possible, learning to cope in VUCA environments.  05/04/2024 - Oracle The final projects are presented at Oracle's facilities. The jury formed by Oracle and institutions choose the final winner.

The project is aimed at high school students of the technological branch of the school Nuestra Señora de la Victoria- HH. Maristas. It is part of the subject "digital creation and computational thinking". These students will be organized in groups of a maximum of 5 people, ideally groups of 4 people, to address one of the three challenges related to the Sustainable Development Goals: Environment  Social impact  Diversity and inclusion Previously, students will receive a two-hour training in a theoretical and practical workshop format on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This activity will be developed by CIFAL Malaga, International Training Center for Authorities and Leaders under the United Nations agency, UNITAR. The objective of this introductory training is to provide enough basic knowledge about the SDGs to be able to start the project.  For one week, they will work to find the best idea to solve or help achieve one of the challenges of the 2030 Agenda. To do so, they will be mentored by the Oracle and Maristas team and will use a virtual openscourse tool such as Miró for the presentation of the solution.  The Oracle mentoring team will be in charge of guiding the students in the area of technological development to elaborate a "mock-up" that prototypes in the closest way to reality and gives them clues and tools for the technological viability of the idea.  The Maristas teaching team will be responsible for developing the skills of communication and presentation of the value proposition of the business idea, as well as analysis of the environment and impact of the idea.

Students of the 1st year of high school of the technological branch of the school Nuestra Señora de la Victoria- HH. Maristas.

EVALUATION SYSTEM  The final projects will be presented at Oracle's premises in a maximum of 3 minutes per project with the idea that the groups define and communicate their value proposition.   The jury will have time to ask questions in case there is anything they need to clarify. The election of the final winner will be based on a rubric, yet to be specified, but in which the following points will be valued:   Originality.  Innovation.  Feasibility.  Sustainability and impact on the city.  Communication of the idea.  The winners will be recognized by the organisations present and will be awarded a prize (to be defined). Participants will receive a diploma endorsed by the organisations recognising their involvement in the project.  EVALUATION CRITERIA  At the end of the project, there will be an evaluation by a jury that will determine the winner.  All participants, including the winners, who have attended 75% of the workshops, will obtain a Certificate of Participation from CIFAL Málaga-UNITAR, which certifies that they have completed the course.  In the rest of the cases, the student will not be able to obtain any kind of certificate.  CIFAL MALAGA COMMITMENT  Performance and control of compliance with quality requirements specified in point 3 of this document. Control of the correct execution of the course.  Preparation and development of the introductory workshop on SDGs and Agenda 2030 scheduled to be held on March 29, 2023 from 10:00-12:30am at the facilities of Colegio Nª Sª de la Victoria - Málaga.  Communication and dissemination in networks.  Creation and sending of certificates to Colegio Nª Sª de la Victoria - Málaga or to the participants, directly, as agreed. The certificates will be issued at least 15 days after having received all the necessary documentation to carry out the quality control specified in section 3.  COMMITMENTS OF THE COLEGIO Nª Sª DE LA VICTORIA - MÁLAGA  Organization and technical secretariat of the course: contact with the speakers, management of their transportation, logistics.  Academic coordination.  Ensuring compliance with the quality requirements specified in section 3 of this document.  Elaboration of the course contents.   Follow-up of students.  Communication and dissemination in social networks, newsletter and any other media considered of interest.  Sending the required documentation.