10 来自总数为 447 的账单
截止日期: 关闭
Public – by registration
种类: Webinar
期限: 1 Days
费用: 0.00 USD
活动协调人email: pft-elearning@unitar.org
项目领域: Public Finance and Trade

Artificial intelligence is becoming a key pillar of the future, yet various methodologies, ideas, and misinformation are circulating without much clarity on the correct and beneficial applications and implementations of AI within a country.

截止日期: 关闭
Public – by registration
种类: Course
期限: 2 Weeks
费用: 500.00 USD
活动协调人email: info.ilp@unitar.org
项目领域: Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Environmental Governance and Law, Multilateral Diplomacy, International Law

The e-Learning course "Human Rights, Environmental Protection and Climate Change" covers the basic principles and concepts of human rights, the SDGs with emphasis on the goals and targets most relevant to environmental protection, and the relationship between human rights and the environment.

截止日期: 关闭
Public – by registration
种类: Course
期限: 28 Days
费用: 750.00 USD
活动协调人email: multilateralism@unitar.org
项目领域: Multilateral Diplomacy

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1963 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the work of the UN and its member states.

Public – by registration
种类: Workshop
期限: 3 Days
费用: 0.00 USD
活动协调人email: cifa@unitar.org
项目领域: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

“Today, one-third of the world’s people, mainly in least developed countries and small island developing states, are still not covered by early warning systems... This is unacceptable, particularly with climate impacts sure to get even worse. Early warnings and action save lives.

截止日期: 关闭
167月 2024 - 167月 2024
Curitiba, Brazil
Private – by invitation
种类: Side Event
期限: 1 Days
费用: 0.00 USD
活动协调人email: caio.arruda@sistemafiep.org.br
项目领域: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Promote workers' at TECLUB company reflection on the need for life planning, considering short, medium, and long-term horizons, to achieve aging with quality of life.​

Public – by registration
种类: Course
期限: 2 Days
费用: 0.00 USD
活动协调人email: uncclearn@unitar.org
项目领域: Climate Change

Pourquoi suivre ce cours ?

Participez à la révolution de l'alimentation durable ! Apprenez comment vos habitudes alimentaires et vos choix quotidiens affectent votre santé et celle de la planète. Acquérez les compétences et les connaissances nécessaires pour rendre votre alimentation plus saine et plus durable. À l'issue de ce cours, vous serez en mesure de :

截止日期: 关闭
107月 2024 - 117月 2024
Curitiba, Brazil
Public – by registration
种类: Side Event
期限: 2 Days
费用: 0.00 USD
活动协调人email: caroline.nascimento@sistemafiep.org.br
项目领域: Decentralize Cooperation Programme

Prepare and train professionals involved in the import process to correctly use the functionalities of the Single Foreign Trade Portal, which aim to streamline and reduce costs in import operations.

截止日期: 关闭
107月 2024 - 1810月 2024
Private – by invitation
种类: Course
期限: 15 Hours
费用: 0.00 USD
活动协调人email: learning.solutions@unitar.org
项目领域: Other

The "Strengthening Capacities in the Use of Geospatial Information for Improved Resilience in Asia-Pacific and Africa" project (2021-2024) aims to develop sustainable capacities and implement tailored geospatial solutions to enhance policy and decision-making processes in resilience building.

截止日期: 关闭
Private – by invitation
种类: Course
期限: 7 Weeks
费用: 0.00 USD
活动协调人email: ghs@unitar.org
项目领域: Chemicals and Waste Management

Les systèmes de classification et de communication des risques chimiques sont des éléments clés de la gestion rationnelle des produits chimiques. Pour harmoniser ces systèmes à l’échelle mondiale, les Nations Unies ont adopté, en 2003, le Système général harmonisé de classification et d’étiquetage des produits chimiques (SGH).

By application & selection
种类: Course
期限: 16 Hours
费用: 0.00 USD
活动协调人email: giuliano.montanari@unitar.org
项目领域: Environment, Climate Change

Argentina se comprometió con liderar la transición hacia una economía baja en carbono a través del Plan Nacional de Adaptación y Mitigación al Cambio Climático al 2030 y presentó la Estrategia a Largo Plazo como un primer paso hacia la carbono neutralidad a 2050 en 2022 ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (CMNUCC) como parte de los compromisos asumidos interna