UNITAR Online Catalogue

The Art of Connecting and Networking


8 8月 2021
3 Days
Multilateral Diplomacy


This course will teach you how to feel comfortable and stand out in any intecultural social or professional environment. In today's fast-paced and interculturally connected world, the ability to create and maintain long-lasting professional and personal relationships leading to mutual value is a skill recognised and appreciated by more and more.

Cross-sectoral and cross-cultural communication becomes a norm, giving an advantage to those who can apply charismatic leadership, empathy, flexibility, professional networking skills, and cultural sensitivity in any given social or professional situation.

This innovative and highly interactive course provides participants with this advantage by equipping them with the knowledge and skills from world-class experts necessary to thrive in an international setting and to create long-lasting and solid professional and personal relationships anywhere.


The  workshop provides participants the ability to enhance their daily professional and social performances by reinforcing their understanding of The Art of Connecting and Networking.

Combining hospitality-related modules with Leadership skills, this workshop allows participants to understand their current leadership style and methods to enhance their social performance; will address the objective frames through which different cultures can be perceived, therefore minimalising cultural misunderstanding; and will encompass the social faux-pas in different cultures.

By doing so, participants will accumulate the necessary knowledge and skillset to build up long-lasting and impactful professional and social relations under any circumstances or constraints.


After successful completion of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the advantages of charismatic leadership and how to make meaningful connections;
  • Understand through which frames they percieve different cultures and use tools to minimise cultural misunderstandings;
  • Apply the necessary etiquette when being a host or a guest at the table of a different culture;
  • Apply the skills acquired to reinforce their relationship-building and networking skills in an intercultural environment.


Module 1: Entertainment and Etiquette in Events

Module 2: Tools for Deciphering Cultures

Module 3: Leadership and Networking Skills


The workshop will be held fully online through live sessions using the "Zoom" platform. The material presented in the e-workshops will be interactive and group discussions, quizzes, and assignments will be given for participants to further advance their knowledge.

Furthermore, UNITAR staff will be present to assist participants with any questions they might have.

Participants who have successfuly attended  all e-workshops will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. 



The training programme is open to all actors who wish to take on leadership roles in their respective environment and to build up their charismatic leadership skills and intercultural communication skills in order to build up their professional international networks. Participants who also wish to improve their general ability to connect accross cultures, sectors, and other boundaries will also highly benefit from this course.

Participants can include high school students, university students, young professionals, business leaders, and international servants of all backgrounds.

In order to ensure the highest quality standards, the registration will be closed after 35 participants. Slots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. At the end of the programme, participants will receive a UNITAR certificate of completion.