UNITAR Online Catalogue

Peaceful Youth (Creative Space)


12 9月 2018
Geneva, Switzerland
1 Days
+41 (0)22 917 85 78
United States Institute of Peace (USIP)


In recognition of the exceptional importance of the positive contribution that young people make toward the maintenance and promotion of international peace, the Security Council unanimously adopted its first ever resolution on Youth, Peace and Security (UNSCR 2250) on 9 December, 2015. The Resolution affirmed the critical role that youth assume in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and called for the engagement of youth as partners and leaders at all levels of decision-making and in peacebuilding processes. Concretely, Resolution 2250 urges immediate action in five fields: participation, protection, prevention, partnership, and disengagement. While the Resolution set the frame for a wider debate on the topic of youth in peace and security, “The Missing Peace: Independent Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security,” presented in April 2018, presented practical guidance for its implementation.

When grievances like political injustice, protracted violent conflict, unemployment and a lack of identity and purpose in life create a breeding ground for radicalization and violent extremism among youth, the international community must partner with youth to effectively address both the causes and the effects of these conditions.

In this context, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), a Geneva-based training arm of the United Nations, and the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), an independent institute dedicated to the elimination of violent conflict in the world, will convene a strategic group of stakeholders to explore concrete ways the international community can support wider and more meaningful engagement of youth in peacebuilding.


  • Identify the most pressing challenges, which prevent effective incorporation of youth empowerment dimension into strategic policies of humanitarian organizations as well as their daily activities in the field, and which thus stand in the way of successful implementation of the Resolution 2250;
  • Facilitate the joint elaboration of comprehensive, adaptable, cross-sectoral solutions;
  • Bring together a multiplicity of stakeholders with complementary resources and shared vision;
  • Promote partnership building in the area of youth, peace and security among relevant actors and instil the necessary momentum of the YPS agenda.


10.30am – 12pm: Section One: Panel Discussion: Status quo, action points and the role of education and training in Youth, Peace and Security agenda

12pm – 1pm: Lunch break/ networking space 

1pm – 3.30pm: Section two: Creative Space: Facilitated small table discussions:

  • What are some of the best practices for youth participation in peace and security efforts?
  • What are some of the challenges for youth participation in peace and security efforts?
  • How does your organization integrate training and education into youth, peace and security programming?

3.30pm – 5pm: Wine reception / networking space


Association for the Prevention of Torture (Route de Ferney 10), Room 20-50, Geneva, Switzerland



The interactive portion of the day will consist of facilitated small table discussions. Each table will be assigned one question or topic for discussion. After 30 minutes, participants will move to a second table to discuss a new topic. After the second round of discussions, participants will move to a third table to discuss a new topic. Table facilitators will take notes and report back to the group at the end of the program.



  • personnel of international governmental and non-governmental humanitarian organizations;
  • international, national and local civil society organizations and community leaders;
  • youth organizations;
  • academic experts on peace, conflict and youth empowerment;
  • diplomatic community;
  • foundations and donors focusing on peace and security issues.


Please, kindly note that this part of the event is open for the participation by invitation only. If you are part of the invited organization, you are welcome to participate personally, with colleagues or partners working in the area. In this case, please kindly register each person. For us to be able to see your organizational affiliation and track RSVPs, please in the field "Organizational affiliation" select "Other" and then specify the name of the organization. Thank you for your co-operation.