UNITAR Online Catalogue

Executive Course: Advanced Crisis Management Skills for Public Officials and Leaders


1 Jun 2022
5 Weeks
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme, Governance, Local Development
Event Focal Point Email


The Advanced Crisis Management (ACM) Course helps crisis teams, public officials, team leaders, and senior managers to understand and take control of crisis situations. Our priority with ACM is to enhance the crisis decision-making skills of the participants and to improve participants’ knowledge of the latest in risk assessments and contingency planning.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to: 

  • Learn how to stay ahead of emerging threats rather than reacting to them
  • Understand the importance of employing effective information and intelligence
  • Understand quantitative and qualitative risk analysis
  • Gain knowledge on effective deployment of current technology
  • Master how to strategically evaluate countermeasures

Content and Structure

The following Main Topics will be covered:

  • Determine the CM goals
  • CM frameworks and theories
  • Establish CM Team Roles and Responsibilities
  • Recognize the source of risk
  • Develop CM framework
  • CM training and awareness
  • Program management


The course is based on UNITAR’s sound adult learning pedagogical principles. Each module includes supplementary resources for additional reading, as well as self-assessment activities and quizzes. The learning activities are delivered in an interactive manner, to ensure the achievement of the learning objectives. 

Targeted Audience

This course is ideal for:

  • Public servants;
  • Managers and Senior Managers;
  • Team Leaders;
  • Crisis Teams;
  • Participants from the Course on Crisis Management: Basic Skills;
  • Any interested person