UNITAR Online Catalogue

Launch of the e-learning course on Anticorruption and Sustainable Development


0 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email


Corruption hinders sustainable development in all countries. In order to tackle its root causes and consequences as well as to find solutions for prevention, accountability and redress, the impact of mainstreaming knowledge is a powerful resource towards transforming the lives of individuals and societies as a whole.

Mainstreaming knowledge about this problematic pursues the transformation of discriminatory social institutions, laws, cultural norms and community practices, such as those limiting access to property rights or restricting their access to public space.

In this regard, at international level there is a common agreement on the need of suppressing and preventing corruption because of its negative impacts and its ripple effects for employment, leadership, decision-making at all levels, among other repercussions. Therefore, the creation of spaces to raise awareness represents an opportunity to enhance capabilities and share good practices towards a culture of learning.

As a contribution to this endeavor, the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Centre (ROLACC) and the United Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) have brought together their expertise and practical knowledge to collaboratively developed the e-learning course on “Anticorruption and Sustainable Development: Building inclusive and transparent societies for all”.

Event Objectives

The creation of spaces to raise awareness, such as the e-learning course on Anticorruption and Sustainable Development and this Virtual Roundtable on the topic represents an opportunity to enhance capabilities and share good practices towards a culture of learning.

Experts will be sharing practical experiences and views on challenges and opportunities on anticorruption and its link with sustainable development.

Content and Structure

This virtual roundtable aims to bring together international experts to discuss lessons learned about responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and building back better. 

Targeted Audience

Participation is open to government officials, diplomats, staff of international organizations, development practitioners, faculty members, and administrators of educational institutions.