UNITAR Online Catalogue

Public Policy Issues in a post-COVID-19 world


0 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email


The post COVID-19 world will be a new environment with challenges for all mankind and particularly for governments.

It will require more than ever that government officials continue to perform with excellence in the middle of unknown scenarios.

They are expected to provide fair, practical, and knowledgeable leadership to their nations under a ‘new normal.

This webinar is addressed to them and to other actors involved in policy making.


Event Objectives

This virtual roundtable aims to bring together international experts to discuss lessons learned about responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and building back better. 

Learning Objectives

At the end of this virtual roundtable, participants will be able to:

- define what 'public policy' is

- how governments can address public policy issues during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

Content and Structure

The virtual roundtable consists of a two-hour panel dicussion covering the following topics:  

- Critical economic policy for post COVID-19 recovery

- Protecting human rights will provide key platform for national recovery

- Freedom for civil society: Case study in private education initiative

- Keys role of engaging minorities for transformation

- Private sector initiatives that are eliminating rural poverty for you to access

Targeted Audience

Participation is open to government officials, diplomats, staff of international organizations, development practitioners, faculty members, and administrators of educational institutions and anyone who is interested in the discussed topics.