UNITAR Online Catalogue

CIFAL Argentina- Depression and cognitive impairment: an old hidden relationship


Buenos Aires, Argentina
30 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email


Depression is one of the main risk factors for the cognitive impairment There are epidemiological, clinical, physiological, physiopathogenic, diagnostic, neurochemical, biomarker and therapeutic tests that prove the interrelated interrelation between both entities. The virtual course will analyze all these aspects.

Event Objectives

The objective of this training is that the participants can study the cognitive deterioration in order to diagnose this problem; differentiate the stages and types of deterioration; and be able to go to different therapies to treat them.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Perform early and accurate diagnosis of cognitive impairment.
  • Power to make the differential diagnosis with normal cognitive decline.
  • Make early and accurate diagnosis of depression.
  • Know the elements of differential diagnosis between normal decline, cognitive impairment, dementia and depression.
  • Know the pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapeutic management of these entities.

Content and Structure

The course consists of the following modules or sessions:

"Module 1:

Depression and cognitive deterioration: medical, economic and social impact "", Dr. Raúl Arizaga

Module 2:

The evidences of the relationship depression - cognitive deterioration "", Dr. María Cecilia Fernández

Module 3

The clinical look: risk factors or comorbidities? "" Dr. Fernando Taragano "


Three theoretical modules.
Final exam multiple choice.
The Virtual Course will serve as the base of knowledge for, then, in the Face-to-Face Course, to deepen in all the aspects covered in the three virtual presentations.

Targeted Audience

This course is aimed at neurologists, psychologists, geriatricians, neuroimaging specialists, laboratory biomarkers, neuropsychologists, speech pathologists, music therapists, and all types of professionals doctors and paramedics related to the problem of cognitive impairment, dementia and depression, its interrelation, its risk factors and its therapeutics.