UNITAR Online Catalogue

CIFAL Honolulu-NSF Engine and Climate Resilient Aquaculture Innovation Megahub Workshop


20 Jun 2024
Mānoa, United States of America
1 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email
NSF All-SPICE Alliance
University of Hawaiʻi,
Univeristy of Guam
Elemental Excelerator
Hawaiʻi Pacific Univerity,
Hawaii Technology Development Corporation
Hawaii Ulu Cooperative
Ocean Aloha Maui
Ocean Era
PDC State of Hawaii


The NSF Engines Development Award 2305455 supports the development of a Regional Innovation Engine in Hawai’i (HI) and the U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI) which will collaborate to collectively develop innovative climate resilient aquaculture solutions driven by indigenous knowledge systems and modern technology. Led by the University of Hawai’i, the network of collaborating partners, nicknamed “CliRAIM” for the Climate Resilient Aquaculture Innovation Megahub, will assess, plan, and coordinate the development of the Engine to facilitate the science, translation, commercialization, and scaling of products, methods and technologies for climate resilient innovations in aquaculture and related areas. The NSF Engines Development Award 2305455 will work with 18 Minority Serving Institutions throughout the Pacific region including all 10 of the University of Hawai’i System’s campuses statewide, in addition to: American Samoa Community College; Chaminade University; College of the Marshall Islands (Majuro); College of Micronesia (Pohnpei); Hawaii Pacific University; Northern Marianas College; Palau Community College; and University of Guam.

Learning Objectives

Aquaculture programs and projects and innovation 

Content and Structure

Arrival, Hawaiʻi Blessings, Welcome and Introduction, Why is this Important, Setting the Future  Vision and Scope, Aligning the Strategic Agenda and Broader Impacts, KeyOutcomes of Working Groups, 10 year roadmap, Proposed Governance and Operating Model of the Engine


Workshops, lectures, guest speakers, working groups 

Targeted Audience

Partners of NSF Engine