UNITAR Online Catalogue
Crisis Management for Public Officials: Basic Skills (March 2023)
Governments around the world have been at the forefront in the fight against global crises. However, the disruptive nature of recent events has exposed a deeper level of vulnerability in our communities, by creating unprecedented socio-economic and cultural implications. During crises, public servants are faced with the unparalleled urgency to formulate new ways of thinking; adapt to new realities and prepare for the unknown future.
Event Objectives
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Recognize some of the recent challenges faced by public officials
- Identify contextual challenges due to a crisis and ensure business as usual policies in the public sector
- Discuss different processes involved in crisis management, including soft skills related to communication strategies and leadership
- Respond to governance challenges in post-crisis situations to ensure resilience for future crises
Learning Objectives
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Recognize some of the current challenges faced by public officials due to COVID-19
Identify contextual challenges due to a crisis and ensure business as usual policies in the public sector
Discuss different processes involved in crisis management, including soft skills related to communication strategies and leadership
Respond to governance challenges in post-crisis situations to ensure resilience for future crises
Content and Structure
Crisis Management for Public Officials: Basic Skills
Module I: Fundamentals of crisis management
Module II: Covid-19 and the public sector
Module III: Crisis management and public administration
Module IV: Governing after a crisis
The course is based on UNITAR’s sound adult learning pedagogical principles. Each module includes supplementary resources for additional reading, as well as self-assessment activities and quizzes. The learning activities are delivered in an interactive manner, to ensure the achievement of the learning objectives.
Targeted Audience
This course is designed to support public servants.
Additional Information
Course registration and participation is free.
To receive a certificate of completion, participants should complete all quizzes with an average grade higher than 75%, and after paying an administrative fee of USD100.