CIFAL Honolulu - I Am A Scientist: STEM Outreach
Camp Paumalū’s Stem Center for Excellence creates a place-based experience through which the Girl Scouts’ keys to leadership and learning processes are realized. The design approach respects Paumalū as a Hawaiian place and reflects its purpose of being a gathering place for those who want to learn how to better the world in great and powerful ways. The STEM Camp allows scouts to learn STEM in a fun, exciting ways. Partnering with various community organizations, the STEM Camp provides different subjects in STEM. CIFAL Honolulu offered an activity called "Lab Olympics" that allows students to learn the rudimentary lab techniques scientists uses in the lab.
Lab Olympics: Pipette Transfer I Pipette Transfer II Micropipette Parafilm Stretch Parafilm Wrap Weighing Accuracy Micropipette Tip Racking Tip Box relay Micropipette Tip Ejection Suspension Separation Graduated Cylinder Microtube Volume Sorting Microtube Labeling Vortex Challenge
hands-on activities
k-12 scouts