UNITAR Online Catalogue
Milestones in UN Peacekeeping [PTP.2019.11E]

Arrière plan
UNITAR Peacekeeping Training Programme, in partnership with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, offers a short course on the History of UN Peacekeeping. This course can be taken in conjunction with the UNITAR Peacekeeping Training Programme course Introduction to Peace Operations for credit in the International Master Degree in Conflictology at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. This course offers an overview of the history of UN peacekeeping from the founding of the United Nations in 1945 up to present day and presents current trends in peacekeeping that may shape the future.
Objectifs de l'événement
The goal of the course History of UN Peacekeeping is to provide a panoramic overview of the pivotal events in the history of UN peacekeeping that have shaped its present form.
Objectifs d'apprentissage
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Describe the beginnings of UN peacekeeping;
- Identify the four generations of UN peacekeeping operations and the main characteristics of each.
Contenu et structure
The course is composed of four lessons:
- Lesson 1: First Generation Peacekeeping: The Cold War (1945 – 1987)
- Lesson 2: Second Generation Peacekeeping: Following the Cold War (1988 – 1996)
- Lesson 3: Third Generation Peacekeeping: Peace Support Operations (1997 – present)
- Lesson 4: Fourth Generation Peacekeeping: The Next Twist
The average work time is estimated at 4 hours.
The course is a self-guided, self-paced, web-based course that is on-going and can be accessed at any time. The material is presented in text format with visual aids and web-based reference resources. Multiple choice quizzes at the end of each lesson serve a dual function of assessing and evaluating the students’ understanding and retention and provide a further didactic function by reviewing the content.
Audience visée
Primary audience: The course is designed for anyone who has an interest and curiosity in the history of peacekeeping.
Secondary audience: The course is geared towards any professionals who would like to earn credit towards a Master’s degree in Conflictology parallel to their careers.
Participants are not expected to have prior experience in or knowledge of peacekeeping operations. However, as this is a course for university credit, participants must:
- Have a university degree in a relevant area with proven interest in protection of civilians (BA or equivalent) or the equivalent working experience in a relevant field (2 to 4 years);
- Have good command of English language (reading and writing);
- Be computer literate.
Informations supplémentaires
Technical Requirements
UNITAR recommends the following as a minimum in hardware and software to take our e-Learning courses. Please consult your Network Administrator or Systems person to ensure that you have the following:
Windows 7 or superior;
MacOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or superior;
Intel Core 2 Duo – or AMD – 3 GHz processor;
3 GB of RAM (4 GB recommended);
Hard drive: 160 GB minimum.
Adobe Acrobat Reader;
Adobe Flash Player.
Google Chrome 30.0 or superior;
Mozilla Firefox 25.0 or superior;
Safari 7 or superior;
Microsoft Edge
Note that JavaScript, Cookies and Popups must be enabled
- Apple iOS in Apple iOS 10 or superior on iPad:
Articulate Mobile Player;
Moodle Mobile.
- Android OS in Android OS 4.1 or superior (optimized for tablets):
Articulate Mobile Player;
Moodle Mobile.