UNITAR Online Catalogue

Geospatial Information Technology for DRR: From Risk Assessment to Emergency Response (Applications and Cases Studies)

Geneva, Switzerland
1 Days
Zone du programme
Satellite Imagery and Analysis
0.00 $US
Personne de référence de l'évenement
Centre for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action (CERAH)

Arrière plan

The last decade has seen a marked increase in large-scale, “natural” disasters resulting in overwhelming challenges for humanitarian organisations, especially in urban environments.

The course highlights what is specific to humanitarian interventions in the context of "natural" and technological disasters and gives theoretical and analytical competencies in order to develop a disaster risk management strategy. 

Objectifs de l'événement

The aim of the course is to provide participants with basic concepts and case examples in the use of geospatial information technology for disaster risk assessment and emergency response (impact analysis and preliminary damage assessment).

Objectifs d'apprentissage

Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Define and describe basic concepts and terminology related to geospatial information technology
  • Explain advantages and limitations of using geo-spatial information technology in support to DRR related activities
  • Collect data in the field using GPS / GPS camera devices and share it using Google Earth.

Contenu et structure

The course is extended over 1 work day structured around the following topics:

  • Introduction to Geospatial Information Technology (GIS and Remote Sensing)
  • Role of GIS/RS within the DRM cycle – (Context and geospatial applications for risk assessment)
  • Role of GIS/RS in DRM cycle – (Context and geospatial applications for impact analysis and preliminary damage assessment)
  • Collecting and sharing geo-spatial data - Practical Exercise (Demo)  

The course is copmosed of 1 module. The module is structured into 4 sessions of 1.5 hours each, which makes an overall workload of 6 hours for the entire durstion of the one day training.


The course had a mixture of adult learning methodologies such as interactive lectures, discussion sessions and demonstration exercises. The participatory nature of the programme requires that participants contribute actively to discussions.

Audience visée

Participants are not expected to have some prior knowledge of the subject area.

Participants must:

  • Have a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent university degree.
  • Have experience in risk/disaster management.
  • Have a working knowledge of English.

Primary Audience

  • CERAH students taking the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Disaster Management.

Informations supplémentaires


This course will be delivered by UNOSAT, the operational satellite applications programme of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).

UNOSAT is a technology intensive programme active in all aspects of applied research relating to satellite solutions, from earth observation to telecommunications, positioning and navigation. UNOSAT delivers satellite solutions , geographic information to organizations within and outside the UN system to make a difference in the lives of communities exposed to poverty, hazards, and conflict, or affected by humanitarian and other crises.

Language :


Course Coordination:

Mr. Luca Dell’Oro, Specialist, UNITAR/UNOSAT (luca.delloro [at] unitar.org (luca[dot]delloro[at]unitar[dot]org))