UNITAR Online Catalogue

Combating Corruption in Extractive Industries (2017)

Date limite
4 juin 2017
5 Weeks
Zone du programme
Public Finance and Trade
800.00 $US
Personne de référence de l'évenement

Arrière plan

Despite their endowment of natural wealth, resource-rich developing countries among the poorest, low democratic and most conflict-ridden countries of the world. A high level of corruption – monopoly and discretion without accountability – is arguably the most important factor resulting into the misappropriation of natural resources, inefficient revenue flows and abysmally low levels of economic growth in these countries.

This UNITAR e-learning course will examine the issue of corruption in extractive industries and aims to provide participants information and understanding of the risks of bribery and corruption faced by extractive industries and the measures that can be taken to enhance sound governance of natural resources by effectively combating corruption. The course will examine the role of multiple stakeholders involved in extractive industries, the risk of corrupt practices during the project cycle and along the value chain of extractive industries, its impact on the industry, environment and local communities, and the international initiatives to enhance transparency and accountability in extractive industries. A successful completion of this course will enable participants to identify and analyse corruption risks in extractive industries, to design and apply strategies and initiatives to maximise transparency in the sector, and also to effectively implement the anti-corruption and good governance programme.

Objectifs d'apprentissage

At the end of the course, the participants should be able to:

  • Understand the link between natural resources and corruption, and it’s impact on the development of resource-rich countries;
  • Identify the risks of corruption along the resource value chain, especially in different resource sectors (oil, gas, industrial mining, and artisanal mining);
  • Use reasonable judgment to detect corruption and determine its gravity;
  • Analyse international initiatives to curb corruption and enhance transparency and accountability in extractive industry through reshaping of procedures;
  • Propose measures, business integrity management and anti-corruption program that should be implemented to combat corruption in extractive industries.

Contenu et structure

The course is composed of four modules:

  • Module I: Corruption and Extractive Industries: An Introduction
  • Module II: Stakeholders in Extractive Industries and their Role in Oversight
  • Module III: International Initiatives to fight corruption in Extractive Industries
  • Module III: Challenges and Dangers to fighting Corruption in Extractive Industries


In order to ensure the best possible outreach, the course will be delivered through e-learning. Through a multiple-instructional setting, the goal is to achieve the learning objectives by means of learning technologies that match personal learning styles, and by the inclusion of non-linear learning, the course aims at the development of just-in-time skills of adult learners. At the same time, in order to allow participants the maximum flexibility of scheduling, the learning will be conducted in an asynchronous manner. Using a state-of-the-art training architecture, UNITAR will combine self-learning with assessments and online discussions. The pedagogy - adapted specifically for professionals in full-time work - will help train participants through various experiences: absorb (read); do (activity); interact (socialize); reflect (relate to one’s own reality).

Audience visée

This course is an intermediate level course for which the intended audience are public and private sector officials, policy makers, project managers, civil society representatives, strategy officers and business practitioners who are responsible for the sound development and/or management of extractive industry sector by promoting good practices and principles in its framework.

Informations supplémentaires

A certificate of completion will be issued by UNITAR to all participants who complete the course-related assignments and assessments successfully. Course schedule is subject to change. Course fee is non-refundable but transferrable to another course or participant and subject to change as per UNITAR's policy on pricing.

Recommended hardware and software requirements for taking our e-learning courses:

  • Platform: Windows XP sp3, Vista sp2, Windows 7 sp1, MacOS X.
  • Hardware: 2 GB of RAM and higher for Vista and Windows 7.
  • Software: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader (downloadable for free at adobe.com).
  • Browser: Internet Explorer 8 or higher; Mozilla Firefox 8 or higher.
  • Internet connection: 128kbps and higher.
  • Note: JavaScript, pop-ups & cookies must be enabled.