UNITAR Online Catalogue

Mediation and Consensus Building for Efficient Diplomacy

Geneva, Switzerland
2 Days
Zone du programme
Peace Security and Diplomacy, Multilateral Diplomacy
1 200.00 $US
Personne de référence de l'évenement

Arrière plan

Mediation is a skill often used for the peaceful settlement of international disputes. Moreover, effective consensus building between conflicting parties is necessary for efficient mediation. Effective mediation and consensus building skills are also helpful to overcome any other interpersonal conflicts and tensions, thereby advancing harmonious team-work in every professional environment. Mediation requires individuals who have the necessary experience, professionalism, and judgment to effectively resolve disputes. By improving one’s mediation and consensus building skills and developing the understanding of the UN’s role in the mediation process, diplomats and cosmopolitan leaders will be better equipped to prevent and manage international disputes. Leaders in different professions must be capable of mitigating conflict and finding viable solutions to pursue their own agenda and each other’s interests.

Objectifs de l'événement

This workshop will help diplomats enhance their mediation and consensus building skills, which will lead to more efficient diplomacy and contribute to the overall effectiveness of different professional relationships. This workshop will also offer insights into the mediation process. The workshop will also examine the early and later stages of mediation (i.e. pre-mediation and post-mediation).

Objectifs d'apprentissage

At the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
  • Negotiate and mediate in an inter-personal conflict;
  • Facilitate constructive dialogues between two conflicting parties in the form of consensus building;
  • Support others to find a mutually agreeable solution;
  • Facilitate a mediation meeting in a transformative manner;
  • Steer mediation with a structured approach.

Contenu et structure

The following topics, among others, will be covered during this intensive two half days workshop: Introduction to mediation in international diplomacy and the role of the Mediator; Pre-mediation negotiation and identification of the parties, issues, interests, and secondary parties; The Mediator’s role in active listening and re-framing issues to facilitate effective communication between the parties; Structured and Transformative Mediation, The psychology of mediation: behaviours and attitudes; A case study and simulation of a mediation process.


This workshop provides a simple and clear methodology with which to construct an audience-focused positive attitude and respective mediation and consensus building skills. The sessions will be highly participative in nature, combining short presentations, exercises, case studies, discussion groups, and video analysis. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a fuller understanding of the essential dynamics of mediation, of effective tools to manage certain key conflicts, and increased awareness of their relevance in day-to-day business, due to a combination of trainer input and practical activities.

Audience visée

This course is open to members of Permanent Missions and delegates of Ministries of Foreign Affairs and other government officials; university students and professors; and representatives of international, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations. In addition senior managers from the private sector are equally invited to benefit from this unique workshop.

Informations supplémentaires

The workshop will take place at the International Environment House; 7-9 Chemin de Balexert, Châtelaine, Geneva.
The workshop will be conducted in English. The participants will be provided with a set of background material at the beginning of the course. Participants who have followed the workshop in its entirety will be awarded a course certificate.

The course participation fee is 1200 USD. An invoice will be sent by e-mail upon registration. Participants may pay individually per course attended, or their government may wish to cover the costs of an annual subscription. Participants may pay individually per course attended, or their government may wish to cover the costs of an annual subscription. More information about UNITAR’s core diplomacy training (CDT) pricing policy is available at http://www.unitar.org/mdp/cdt.

Diplomats from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and developing countries are eligible for a fee waiver as part of the CDT fellowship scheme. Please contact the Multilateral Diplomacy Programme for more information by e-mail at: diplomacy [at] unitar.org (diplomacy[at]unitar[dot]org) and by phone at: 022 917 8716 or 022 917 8739. Registration will be closed as soon as the course is full and your place will be secured once your payment is confirmed.

Important: Upon course registration, the applicant accepts to make the full payment for the UNITAR course(s) immediately following receipt of the invoice and payment information. UNITAR reserves the right to rescind an applicant's enrollment at any time in case of non-receipt of payment. Payment is non-reimbursable but upon approval may be credited to another course.